A. Standards Adopted: The most recent version of "Idaho Standards For Public Works Construction" shall govern all public works construction in the city. (Ord. 301, 3-23-1993; amd. 2015 Code)
B. Additional Standards:
1. Water main lines shall be ductile iron for all mains six inches (6") in diameter and larger class 50 or greater with brass wedges. All other mains shall be class 150 PVC or equal.
2. Water services shall have class K copper service lines from the main to the water meter. Saddle and corporation stop is required. The water meter shall be Rockwell with fittings and associated brass being Mueller.
3. Fire hydrants shall have a minimum of five inch (5") diameter valve opening, four inch (4") pumper nozzle and two inch (2") to two and one-half inch (21/2") hose nozzles and shall be made by Waterous or Mueller.
4. All water main line fittings shall be mechanical or flanged joint.
5. All water valves shall be Waterous or Mueller.
6. Wastewater and drainage system mains shall be eight inches (8") or larger and be PVC SDR35 or approved equal. (Ord. 301, 3-23-1993)
All driveways crossing city drainage ditches shall have a minimum of twelve inch (12") culverts installed with all expenses for the culverts paid by the property owner. All culvert pipe installation shall be supervised and approved by the city maintenance crew. (Ord. 334, 4-8-1997)
A. Streets, Alleys And Highways: It shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct, in any manner, the free use and passageway of any street, alley, thoroughfare or highway of the city, county and state.
B. Sidewalks: It shall be unlawful for any person to, in any manner, obstruct any sidewalk built upon any street or alley or any other thoroughfare within the corporate limits of the city. (Ord. 8, 2-9-1903)
C. Violation; Penalty: Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code. (Ord. 8, 2-9-1903; amd. 2015 Code)