A.   Notice To Remove: The city, acting by or through its clerk-treasurer or public works supervisor, shall cause notice to be served, by certified mail, upon the owner, occupant or person in charge or control of any real property or premises within the city upon which or which the abutting street, street parking area, ditch or culvert may be found any dry or flammable weeds, grass, or other rank vegetable growth, or any flammable debris or substances, to cut down and remove from such premises, ditch, culvert, street and street parking all such dry or flammable weeds, grass or other rank vegetable growth, or to remove any other flammable debris or substances from such premises within five (5) days from the date of receipt of the certified mail. Should receipt of the certified mail not be accepted within five (5) days of date of mailing, then the city shall follow the procedures outlined in subsection B of this section.
   B.   Removal By City; Costs A Lien: If dry or flammable weeds, grass or other rank vegetable growth shall not be cut down and removed from the premises and street parking or such other flammable debris and substances are not removed from the premises and street parking within the time specified in the notice, the public works supervisor may cause the same to be cut down and/or removed, and the reasonable cost thereof shall be a lien upon the premises upon which the work shall have been performed. If the work is performed upon a street parking, the time shall extend to the abutting premises. If the cost shall not be paid within thirty (30) days from the date of service of a statement of such costs upon the owner, occupant or person in charge of the premises upon which or upon the abutting parking of which the work shall have been performed, a notice of assessment for the costs may be certified and filed with the county treasurer by the city clerk-treasurer on behalf of the city. The notice of assessment shall be duly certified in accordance with Idaho Code section 50-1008, and such assessment shall be placed on the assessment roll and collected in the same manner as other municipal taxes are collected. (Ord. 170, 9-1967; amd. 2015 Code)