A.   Preliminary Plat:
      1.   The preliminary plat shall be drawn at a scale no smaller than one inch equals two hundred feet (1" = 200') and shall include the following:
         a.   The scale, north point arrow, and date.
         b.   The name of the proposed subdivision.
         c.   The name and address of the owner of record, the subdivider, the surveyor, or the person preparing the plat.
         d.   The names, with locations of intersecting boundary lines, of adjoining subdivisions, and the location of the city limits if falling within or immediately adjoining the tract.
         e.   The land contours with appropriate vertical intervals referenced to datum and at intervals acceptable to the city engineer; provided, however, that where authorized by the city engineer, contour data may be provided in the form of elevations at street intersections and in drainage channels.
         f.   The location of existing buildings, water bodies or watercourses, and the location of dedicated streets at the point where they adjoin and/or are immediately adjacent; provided, that actual measured distance shall not be required.
         g.   The boundaries of the tract, as determined by a legal survey, area of the tract, the proposed location, approximate grade, right of way width and pavement width of streets and alleys, the proposed location and width of easements and setback lines, the proposed lot lines, the radius of all curves and approximate lot dimensions.
         h.   The existing zoning boundary lines defining the proposed use of all portions of the subdivision.
         i.   The proposed street names and system of numbering lots and blocks.
         j.   The location, approximate size and proposed use of all land intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved for the use of all property owners within the proposed subdivision.
         k.   The location, size, and type of sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, culverts, and other surface and subsurface structures existing within or immediately adjacent to the proposed subdivision; and the location, layout, type and size of any proposed water mains and storage facilities, sanitary mains and laterals, storm sewers, culverts and drainage structures, street improvements and any other proposed utilities.
         l.   The location of all drainage channels and subsurface drainage structures, and the proposed method of disposing of all runoff from the proposed subdivision, and the location and size of all drainage easements relating thereto, whether they are located within or outside the proposed plat.
      2.   In addition to subsection A1 of this section, a preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision shall be submitted at a scale of the current city map. Said plat shall show the location of the proposed subdivision referenced to existing or proposed arterial and collector streets and to government section lines; the size and location of all proposed streets and roads; all lots drawn to scale; the numbering of all lots and blocks; and the names, if available, of all streets. (Ord. 228, 12-15-1981)
   B.   Final Plat:
      1.   The final plat shall be drawn at such scale and contain lettering of such size, including reference to indication and affidavit of survey, as to enable the same to be placed upon a single sheet eighteen inches by twenty seven inches (18" x 27") in size with a three and one-half inch (31/2") margin at the left end and with no part thereof nearer to other edges of said sheet than one-half inch (1/2") and shall be in full accordance with the provisions of state law, Idaho Code sections 50-1301 through 50-1334. The back of said plat shall not be used for any portion of the drawing but may contain written matter as to dedication and other information. (Ord. 228, 12-15-1981; amd. 2015 Code)
      2.   The final plat shall clearly show the following:
         a.   Primary control points, approved by the city engineer, or description and "ties" to such control points, to which all dimensions, angles, bearings, and similar data on the plat shall be referenced. Such control points must include any two (2) of the following: 1) section corner; 2) quarter section corner; 3) quarter-quarter section corner; and 4) meander corner, according to government survey. All corners are to be part of the quarter section containing the proposed subdivision.
         b.   Location and description of monuments.
         c.   Tract boundary lines, property lines, lot lines, right of way lines of streets, easements and other rights of way with accurate dimensions, bearings, or deflection angles; and radii, arcs, and center angles of all curves.
         d.   Names and locations of adjoining subdivisions.
         e.   Name and right of way width of each street or other right of way.
         f.   The length of all lot lines, dimensioned in feet and decimals thereof, and the value of all required true bearings and angles dimensioned in degrees and minutes and seconds.
         g.   The location, dimensions and purpose of all easements.
         h.   The blocks numbered consecutively throughout the entire subdivision and the lots numbered consecutively throughout each block, with areas to be excluded from platting marked "Reserved" or "Not a Part".
         i.   The outline of any property, other than streets or alleys, which is offered for dedication to public use fully dimensioned by length and bearings, with the area marked "Public" and showing the proposed use.
         j.   A title which shall include the name of the subdivision, name of the city, county and state, and the location and description of the subdivision referenced to section, township and range.
         k.   Scale, north arrow, and date.
         l.   Locations, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within the proposed development and other important features such as the general outline of the following: existing buildings, watercourses, power lines, telephone lines, railroad lines, any existing easements, municipal boundaries, section lines and restrictive covenants as required or assured.
         m.   Certification by a professional surveyor, preparing said plat certifying to the accuracy of the survey and plat.
         n.   Certification by the owner including dedication of all streets, rights of way and any sites for public use, and grant of any existing or proposed easements.
         o.   Certification and signature of the county engineer, verifying that the accuracy of the survey complies with the requirements of Idaho state law.
         p.   Certification and signature of the city engineer verifying that the final plat complies with Idaho Code title 50 and with this title.
         q.   Certification and signature of the mayor and city clerk- treasurer verifying city council approval of the final plat and acceptance of streets, alleys, easements, and public land dedications. (Ord. 228, 12-15-1981)