Any person, partnership, firm, LLC, LLP, corporation, developer, landowner, company or any other entity which makes any request from the city which will cause the city to incur any engineering costs shall, as a part of the application, deposit with the city clerk-treasurer one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00). The one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) shall be used to pay for any engineering services incurred by the city as a result of the depositor's request. In the event the city is notified that engineering costs have consumed the one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00), within fifteen (15) days after notice from the city clerk-treasurer, the depositor shall pay to the city clerk-treasurer an additional one thousand five hundred dollar ($1,500.00) deposit. In the event the deposit is not timely made, no further action will be taken on the application. Action will not be resumed until the required deposit is made. In the event that there is a balance remaining on the one thousand five hundred dollar ($1,500.00) deposit, that balance shall be promptly refunded to the depositor at the end of the one year warranty period. In the event the city incurs engineering expenses in excess of the one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00), that amount shall be paid in addition to the one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00). (Ord. 422, 1-9-2007)