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Compare to:
   18.301   Parking; authorized
   18.302   Same; manner
   18.303   Same; tickets authorized
   18.304   Handicapped persons; parking; penalty
   18.305   Blocking streets and alleys; exception
   18.306   Loading zones
   18.307   Signal to stop
   18.308   Stop signs; duty to stop
   18.309   Vision obstruction of traffic unlawful
   18.310   Disabled vehicles
   18.311   Fire lanes designated; parking prohibited; penalty
   18.312   Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places
Editor’s note:
   This article is derived from the S.C. Code Title 56 and standards used by other municipalities in this state.
   a.   In addition to the other provisions of this article relative to parking, the Town Council may designate areas or spaces on town streets where the parking of vehicles is either permitted, prohibited or limited to a specific time or otherwise restricted.
   b.   When signs are erected giving notice that parking is prohibited during certain hours, no person shall park a vehicle between the hours so designated on any day, except Sundays and public holidays. When signs are erected giving notice that parking is limited to a certain period of time, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than the period and between the hours so designated, except on Sundays and public holidays.
(Prior Code, § 18.301)
§ 18.302  SAME; MANNER.
   a.   Where parking is permitted on streets not marked off for parking, the operator of any vehicle shall park such vehicle with the right front and right rear wheels as near as possible to the curb or side of the road and parallel thereto.
   b.   Vehicles parked within marked areas shall not occupy any part of more than one space.
   c.   The operator of a parked vehicle shall enter the roadway only when the roadway is clear.
(Prior Code, § 18.302)
   a.   The Council may authorize, subject to the restrictions imposed in the foregoing sections, signs and devices relating to the limitations upon parking at particular places.
   b.   Failure to pay the penalty within the prescribed time shall subject the owner thereof to be summoned by the Magistrate and punished within his or her discretion.
(Prior Code, § 18.303)