18.101 Adoption of state law; short title
18.102 Uniform act; definitions
18.103 Jurisdiction of municipal court
18.104 Fixing traffic tickets unlawful
18.105 Traffic-control devices; placement; maintenance; specifications; obedience; interference
18.106 Speed limit variation by town; SCDOT approval; signs
18.107 Driver’s and vehicle licenses required; exceptions
18.108 Uninsured vehicle; unlawful
18.109 Service stations and garages to be kept clean and sanitary
18.110 Transfer or registration and license
18.111 Responsibility of vehicle owner
a. There is hereby adopted by reference and made a part hereof, as if set out in full, those provisions of state law known as the Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways, as contained in S.C. Code Title 56, Chapter 5.
b. This chapter may be cited as “the traffic ordinance” or “Traffic Code”.
(Prior Code, § 18.101)
a. The Municipal Court may try and determine violations of the provisions of this chapter or provisions of the 1976 South Carolina Code of Laws, relating to motor vehicles and traffic occurring within the corporate limits, when the penalty prescribed by state law for such violations does not exceed 30 days imprisonment or $100 fine, or both.
b. The Court may have trial jurisdiction over such traffic cases the same as magistrates.
(S.C. Code §§ 14-25-65 and 56-5-6150) (Prior Code, § 18.103)
Editor’s note:
State law limits the authority of the court to a maximum fine.