a. All streets now in existence and any new proposed streets now within the town limits or any other streets that are now connected with any streets within the town shall be within the control and jurisdiction of the Council.
b. No person shall have authority to name any street, without written approval of the Mayor and Council.
c. Should a builder, contractor or individual violate this section, he or she shall have his or her license revoked that shall remain revoked until this section has been complied with.
(Prior Code, § 16.102)
a. In order to avoid disputes which may arise concerning the boundaries of the streets of the town, any person conveying or dedicating any street to the town, where development or activity may affect a right-of-way, easement or setback, shall be required to conduct a survey of said properties by a registered land surveyor.
b. A permanent survey marker shall be erected on each corner of said property at the point where it intersects with any other property.
(Prior Code, § 13.106)