a.   It shall be unlawful for any person to interrupt the proceedings of the court, Town Council or any other official public meeting, including religious services, or be guilty of disorderly conduct therein or to commit any contempt of thereof.
   b.   It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully and maliciously disturb or interrupt any meeting, society, assembly or congregation, convened for the purpose of religious worship, or to enter such meeting while in a state of intoxication or otherwise, or to use or sell spirituous liquors or to use blasphemous language, at or near the place of worship or meeting.
   c.   Any person who shall interrupt or disturb any audience or other group of people who may be assembled in any place of amusement by any noise or loud talking, indecent behavior or other annoyance which may in any manner interfere with good order and decorum, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
(S.C. Code § 16-17-520)  (Prior Code, § 14.707)