a. The function of the Commission shall be to promote compliance with all environmental projects of the town; to determine and promote ways for making its highway approaches thereto and the surrounding areas more attractive and aesthetically pleasing to the eye; to encourage specifically the preservation, protection and replacement of trees, flowers and shrubs within the town and prevent their unnecessary destruction pursuant to the general police powers of the town.
b. The Commission shall not enter into any contracts involving financial liability or incur any indebtedness except upon written authority from Council; provided, however, the Commission may enter into agreements for the purpose of effecting its objectives, when no liability of the town is involved.
(Prior Code, § 4.103)
a. The Commission shall elect from its group a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Chairperson of Publicity. The Commission shall meet on call by the Chairperson. In his or her absence, the Vice-Chairperson may call such meetings.
b. The Chairperson may appoint such temporary committees from within or outside the membership of the Commission, as may be deemed necessary to effect the functions of the Commission.
c. Minutes of meetings shall be kept in written form as a permanent record, and copies shall be forwarded to Council.
d. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be followed as a procedure guide for all meetings. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Commission, and a quorum shall be present to conduct business.
(Prior Code, § 4.104)
Public and private utility companies shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter, provided they file with the Clerk/Treasurer, after notice thereby, the policies and procedures followed in their flower, shrub and tree trimming and removal practices and provided a mutually acceptable standard is agreed upon by the utility and Council.
(Prior Code, § 4.107)