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Exceptions and Modifications
1145.01   Lots of record.
1145.02   Height modifications.
1145.03   Front yard depths; sloped and double frontage lots.
1145.04   Computation of yards abutting alleys.
1145.05   Side yard modifications.
1145.06   Reduction of rear and side yards.
1145.07   Yard projections.
1145.08   Fences, walls, and hedges.
1145.09   Area requirements where sanitary facilities not available.
Minimum ground floor area - see P. & Z. 1113.09
Reduction of area or space - see P. & Z. 1113.13
Junk yard fences - see P. & Z. 1137.04
   In any district where dwellings are permitted, a one-family detached dwelling may be erected on any lot of official record at the effective date of this chapter, irrespective of its area or width, the owner of which does not own any adjoining property, provided that yard spaces satisfy requirements stipulated for the district in which such lot is located, or requirements as may be modified under Section 1145.03(c) or by the Board, as set forth in Section 1109.12.
(Ord. 4-62. Passed 3-12-62.)
   (a)    Exceptions. The height limitations stipulated elsewhere in this chapter shall not apply to the following:
      (1)    Farm buildings and architectural features. Barns, silos, or other farm buildings or structures on farms; church spires, belfries, cupolas and domes, monuments, water towers, fire and hose towers, observation towers, transmission towers, windmills, chimneys, smokestacks, flag poles, radio towers, masts and aerials; parapet walls extending not more than four feet above the limiting height of the building.
      (2)    Places of public assembly. Places of public assembly in churches, schools, and other permitted public and semipublic buildings, provided that these are located on the first floor of such buildings and provided that for each three feet by which the height of such building exceeds the maximum height otherwise permitted in the district, its side and rear yards shall be increased in width or depth by an additional foot over the side and rear yards required for the highest building otherwise permitted in the district.
      (3)    Elevator penthouses, water tanks, and towers. Bulkheads, elevator penthouses, water tanks, monitors, and scenery lofts, provided no linear dimensions of any such structure exceed fifty percent (50%) of the corresponding street lot line frontage; towers and monuments, fire towers, hose towers, cooling towers, grain elevators, gas holders, or other structures where the manufacturing process requires a greater height.
   (b)   Minimum Requirements. All such structures above the heights otherwise permitted in the district shall not occupy more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the area of the lot and shall be distant not less than 50 feet in all parts from every lot line not a street lot line.
(Ord. 4-62. Passed 3-12-62.)
   (a)    Average Depth of Front Yards. In any R District, where the average depth of at least two existing front yards on lots within 100 feet of the lot in question, and within the same block front, is less or greater than the least front yard depth prescribed elsewhere in this chapter, the required depth of the front yard on such lot shall be modified. In such case, this shall not be less than the average depth of such existing front yards or the average depth on the two lots immediately adjoining or, in the case of a corner lot, the depth of the front yard on the lot immediately adjoining. However, the depth of a front yard on any lot shall be at least ten feet and need not exceed 50 feet.
   (b)    Front Yard Garage on Steep Sloped Lots. In any R District where the natural grade of a lot within the required front yard has an average slope, normal to the front lot line at every point along such line, of such a degree or percent of slope that it is not practicable to provide a driveway with a grade of twelve percent (12%) or less to a private garage conforming with the requirements of this chapter, such garage may be located within such front yard, but not in any case closer than six feet from the street line.
   (c)    Double Frontage Lots. Buildings on lots having frontage on two nonintersecting streets need not have a rear yard if an equivalent open space is provided on the lot in lieu of such required rear yard; applicable front yards must be provided, however, on both streets.
(Ord. 4-62. Passed 3-12-62.)
   In computing the depth of a rear yard or the width of a side yard, where the rear or side yard abuts an alley, one-half of the width of the alley may be included as a portion of the required rear or side yard, as the case may be. However, no side yard shall be less at any point than three feet, and no rear yard less than ten feet.
(Ord. 4-62. Passed 3-12-62.)