(a) Arrangement. Lot arrangement shall provide satisfactory and desirable building sites for each lot in proper consideration of the lot topography and the character of the surrounding development.
(b) Zoning. Lots shall fully comply with City Zoning Requirements.
(c) Corner Lots. Corner lots shall have a radius on the street intersection corner as discussed under Section 1191.04
(b) herein. Corner lots shall have a minimum width at the building line of seventy (70) feet. The front of a corner lot may be designated as either of the two (2) sides abutting a street and the rear of the lot shall be opposite the designated front of the lot.
(d) Easements. Easements shall be provided for all streams or major surface drainage courses crossing a lot. Easements shall also be provided on rear lots or other areas where necessary for electric lines, cable television lines, telephone lines, gas mains, watermains, sanitary sewers or other underground utilities. Easements shall be provided for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining and/or upgrading streams, major surface drainage courses and underground utilities. Easement widths shall be a minimum of thirty (30) feet or the stream width plus ten (10) feet additional each side, whichever is greater, for streams and major surface drainage courses; thirty (30) feet for water lines and sanitary sewers; and ten (10) feet for all other underground utilities except as modified elsewhere in these Subdivision Regulations. Easement widths for easements parallel to and abutting the right of way may be permitted to be reduced. The total easement width required may be split into two (2) abutting easements in different lots. The minimum easement widths herein may be increased by the Service Director or the City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission where special conditions justify such increased widths.
(e) Flooding and Poor Drainage. Lots subject to flooding or which contain poor drainage conditions may not be developed unless improved to eliminate such problems. Such improvements and all other subdivision improvements shall be in accordance with the City's Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance (Chapter 1317
of the City Codified Ordinances).
(f) Public and Open Land. Subdividers should give consideration to the allocation and subsequent dedication of suitable lots for playgrounds, school sites, parks and other outdoor recreation facilities. If the City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission determines that, in the interest of public safety, health and welfare, a lot or lots should be allocated by the subdivider for such purposes the allocation of the lot or lots shall be made available by one of the following methods.
(1) Dedication to public uses.
(2) Reservation for the use of property owners by deed or covenants.
(3) Reservation for acquisition by a public agency within a period of five (5) years.
The reservation should provide for release of the land to the subdivider in the event no public agency proceeds with the acquisition.
Subdividers should also give consideration to the preservation of outstanding cultural, historical or natural features. Lots containing features or facilities on record with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office or appropriate regional office shall be dedicated to the proper public agency or an agreement shall be reached within 120 days between the subdivider and the appropriate agency regarding acquisition of the lot or lots by the public agency.
(Ord. 0-37-95. Passed 5-15-95.)