(a)    General. All street sections shall be in accordance with the minimum requirements shown on the typical street section for the appropriate type street in the appendix. Street sections exceeding these minimum requirements or utilizing alternative designs or layouts equal to or better than these minimum improvements may be approved.
   (b)    Right of Way Width. Arterial streets and collector streets shall have a minimum right of way width of eighty (80) feet for three (3) lane streets and ninety (90) feet for four (4) lane streets. Residential streets without sidewalks which shall have a minimum right of way width of fifty (50) feet. All other street classifications shall have a minimum right of way width of sixty (60) feet. Right of way radii at intersections shall, as a minimum, maintain the same separation between edge of culvert on residential streets or back of curb on all other street classifications and right of way line as the intersecting streets. Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum right of way radius of seventy (70) feet.
   (c)    Pavement Width. Arterial streets and collector streets shall have a minimum pavement width (back of curb to back of curb) of forty (40) feet for three (3) lane streets and fifty-three (53) feet for four (4) lane streets. Residential streets shall have a minimum pavement width of twenty-seven (27') feet edge of pavement to edge of pavement and of twenty-five (25') feet face of curb to face of curb. All other street classifications shall have a minimum pavement width (back of curb to back of curb) of twenty-seven (27) feet. Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum pavement radius (to edge of pavement for residential streets and back of curb for other street classifications) of fifty-five (55) feet.
   (d)    Curb and Gutter. Arterial streets and collector streets shall have, on each side, a curb and gutter width of two (2) feet for three (3) lane streets and two and one-half (2 ½) feet for four (4) lane streets. Residential streets shall have, on each side, a curb only. All other street classifications shall have, on each side, a curb and gutter width of one and one-half(1-1/2) feet. Curb radii shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet measured at the face of curb except for intersections which do not include residential streets, which shall be a minimum of fifty (50) feet measured at the face of curb.
   (e)    Pipe Underdrains. Pipe underdrains shall be indicated on the construction drawings on both sides of all streets. The pipe underdrains shall be required on both sides of all streets unless specifically waived by the Service Director based upon suitable field investigations and/or geotechnical information provided by the subdivider. The pipe underdrains shall be routed to storm sewer manholes or catch basins.
   (f)    Sidewalks. All streets, except residential streets, shall include a four (4) foot wide sidewalk on each side for pedestrian safety. Sidewalks on residential streets are encouraged and, if provided, such sidewalks shall conform to all requirements herein. The back edge of sidewalks shall be located at the right of way line. Sidewalks shall have a cross slope of one-quarter (1/4) inch per foot towards the street. All sidewalks shall include curb ramps in each direction at all intersections (crosswalk locations, where applicable, shall be coordinated with curb ramp locations) and at each walkway (midblock) in accordance with the curb ramp details in the appendix.
   (g)    Side Slopes. All portions of the right of way outside the pavement (street, driveway, sidewalk or curb ramp) shall have a minimum cross slope of one-half (½) inch per foot and a maximum cross slope of one (1) inch per foot both towards the street.
   (h)    Trees. Trees shall not be permitted within the right of way except where the location and type has been specifically approved by the Service Director and the City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission.
(Ord. 0-37-95. Passed 5-15-95.)