(a)    Filing. The subdivider shall prepare and file eight (8) sets of a preliminary plat, according to the standards and other requirements of these Subdivision Regulations, and submit the filing fee (discussed under Section 1189.04 (a)) not less than fifteen (15) working days prior to the City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission's regularly scheduled meeting date. The preliminary plat shall be prepared by or under the direction of a qualified surveyor.
   (b)    Action. The Service Director shall forward copies of the preliminary plat to such officials and agencies as may be necessary for the purpose of study and recommendation. After receipt of recommendations from such officials and agencies, the City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission shall determine whether the preliminary plat shall be approved, approved with modifications or disapproved. Notice of such action shall be supplied to the subdivider, and, if disapproved or modified, the reasons for such disapproval or modification. This action shall be subject to the following conditions:
      (1)    The City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission shall act on the preliminary plat within thirty (30) days after filing unless such time is extended by agreement with the subdivider.
      (2)    The owner or owner's representative shall be required to attend the City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission meeting and; if not in attendance, the preliminary plat shall be automatically tabled.
      (3)    When a preliminary plat has been approved by the City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission, the Chairperson of the Commission shall affix his/her signature to the plat and attach thereto a notation that it has received preliminary approval and return one (1) copy to the subdivider for compliance with final plat requirements of these Subdivision Regulations.
      (4)    Preliminary approval shall confer upon the subdivider the rights and guarantees, for a one (1) year period from the date of approval, that the general terms and conditions under which the preliminary approval was granted will not be affected by any changes and/or amendments to these Subdivision Regulations.
   (c)    Form. The preliminary plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn in ink. The map shall be on permanent reproducible paper of a minimum size of 12 inches by 18 inches and a maximum size of 24 inches by 36 inches except in unusual circumstances. All subdivisions shall be drawn at a scale of not less than one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet unless otherwise required by the Service Director or the City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission.
   (d)   Coverage. The preliminary plat shall include all land intended for ultimate development even if only a portion of the land is to be initially recorded.
   (e)    Contents. The preliminary plat shall contain the following information for residential subdivisions:
      (1)    The name by which the proposed subdivision will be known. The name shall not duplicate, be the same in spelling or be alike in pronunciation with any other recorded subdivision in the County. Evidence of ownership of the land (or notarized affidavit of owner indicating intent to sell such land to the subdivider) to be subdivided, together with the names, address and phone numbers of the owner(s), subdivider(s) and the surveyor preparing the plat, along with his/her registration number and seal, shall be shown.
      (2)    The location of the subdivision by section number, great lot, township, county, state and other legally established district, corporation or unit.
      (3)    The name of any abutting subdivision and the owners of the abutting property.
      (4)    Locations, widths and names of existing streets, buildings, railroads, rights of way, easements, parks, corporations and locations of existing wooded areas, natural water courses and other significant topographic and natural features within and adjacent to the plat.
      (5)    The location, width, name and approximate grade of proposed streets, lots, easements or other rights of way. The location and width of sidewalks and utility or other easements and the location and size of existing utility mains.
      (6)    The approximate lot dimensions and lot numbers, the number of residential buildings and the number of proposed dwelling units.
      (7)    The results of a soil survey or data from the Trumbull County Soil and Water Conservation District pertaining to the plat.
      (8)    Information with respect to high water elevations in the vicinity of streams and the elevation of the maximum ground water table in cases where it is less than ten (10) feet from ground surface.
      (9)    The contour and topographic conditions as follows: where land slope is greater than fifteen percent (15%), contours shall be shown at five (5) foot intervals; where the land slope is between two percent (2%) and fifteen percent (15%), contours shall be shown at two (2) foot intervals, and where the land slope is less than two percent (2%), contours shall be shown at one (1) foot intervals. Elevations shall be based on sea-level datum as determined by the United States Coastal and Geodetic Survey.
      (10)    The zoning classifications, lot size and area requirements and the minimum building setback lines as defined by the subdivider as long as not in conflict with any City regulations or requirements.
      (11)    A statement with respect to the proposed use of lots, stating the type of residential buildings along with number of proposed dwelling units, so as to reveal the effect of the development on traffic, fire hazards and possible congestion of population and with respect to protective covenants and deed restrictions.
      (12)    Proposed sites that are to be dedicated or reserved for parks, playgrounds, schools or other public uses or open spaces.
      (13)    The north arrow along with a statement to the basis of the reference direction used, date and graphic scale shall be shown.
      (14)    A green area or other planted areas plan, if applicable.
      (15)    If any zoning changes are contemplated by the subdivider, the proposed zoning shall be outlined.
   (f)    Commercial and Industrial Subdivision. The preliminary plat for commercial and industrial subdivisions shall contain the same information required for residential subdivisions plus the following additional information:
      (1)    A statement indicating the number of buildings and the type of operation proposed in each building and on the premises.
      (2)    A preliminary site plan including proposed major features including a preliminary grading plan.
(Ord. 0-37-95. Passed 5-15-95.)