(a)    Purpose. The Industrial District is established as a district for manufacturing plants, assembly plants, and warehouses. The regulations are intended to protect neighboring land uses from potentially harmful noise, odor, smoke, dust, glare, or other objectionable effects.
   (b)    Permitted Uses Upon Review.
            (1)    Apparel manufacturing.
            (2)    Automobile impound lot.
            (3)    Automobile and truck repair and rebuilding shop.
            (4)    Building contractor and related activities.
            (5)    Building materials, sales, and storage.
            (6)    Chemicals and allied products manufacturing.
            (7)    Electrical components manufacturing.
            (8)    Fabricated metal products manufacturing.
            (9)    Farm implement and machinery sales and storage.
            (10)    Feed and seed sales and storage.
            (11)    Food processing.
            (12)    Furniture and fixtures - manufacturing.
            (13)    Household and industrial cleaning products manufacturing.
            (14)    Laundry and cleaning plant.
            (15)    Lumber yard.
            (16)    Lumber and wood products manufacturing.
            (17)    Marijuana Cultivator Level I
            (18)    Marijuana Cultivator Level II
            (19)    Marijuana Processor
            (20)    Paper and allied products manufacturing.
            (21)    Petroleum refining and related industries.
            (22)    Plastic products manufacturing.
            (23)    Primary metal industries.
            (24)    Printing and allied industries.
            (25)    Salvage yard for automobile, junk, building materials, provided that all operations shall be screened by permanent walls, fences, or evergreen planting subject to the provisions of Section 1129.03.
            (26)    Signs (subject to the provisions of the City sign ordinance.).
            (27)    Stone, clay, and glass products manufacturing.
            (28)    Temporary building which is incidental to the construction of buildings permitted in the district, and which shall be removed when work is completed.
            (29)    Textile mill products, manufacturing.
            (30)    Tire recapping and retreading plant.
            (31)    Truck terminal.
            (32)    Wholesaling and warehousing.
            (33)    Other uses which are considered to be compatible with the aforementioned uses which also abide by Federal and State law.
   (c)    Height Limitation. 
            (1)    No building or structure shall exceed 75 feet in height except as provided in Section 1125.07.
            (2)    No building or structure on a lot in the Industrial District which is adjacent to a residential district shall exceed the height of 35 feet unless there is 1 additional foot of setback for each additional foot of height.
   (d)    Dimensional Requirements.
            (1)    Front setback. See Attachment C for details.
            (2)    Side setback. See Attachment C for details.
            (3)    Rear setback. See Attachment C for details.
   (e)    Buffers and Green Areas. See attachment C and Section 1125.16 for details on buffer and green areas.
      (f)   Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 1125.09.
   (g)   Off-Street Loading. Off-street loading shall be provided in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 1125.10.
Ord. 0-06-18. Passed 4-2-18.)