1129.03 JUNK YARDS.
   Junk yard, scrap processors and automobile wreckers may be permitted in the I-l, Industrial District, subject to the following requirements:
   (a)   Site Size. All junk yards, scrap processors, and automobile wreckers shall be located on a site of at least 5 acres.
   (b)   Location. No junk yard, scrap processor, or automobile wrecker shall be located within 2500 feet of any residential district existing at the time business operations are started.
   (c)   Screening. Open storage shall be enclosed by a continuous visual screen provided and maintained along the property line. The screen shall be a wall or fence at least 8 feet in height. Materials stored in the open shall not be stacked higher than the required screen.
      (Ord. 0-35-96. Passed 8-5-96.)