That all the estate and property whatever real or personal, or mixed and all chases in action, claims, or demands of the Borough of Corry or of the burgefs and council thereof, are hereby vested in the corporation or body corporate or politics of the City of Corry in the same manner and for the same estate which the corporate authorities of the said borough held or had therein; and all suits now pending may be prosecuted to judgment by and for said city, in the same manner and with the same effect as could have been done by the said burgefs and council if this act had not been enacted; and all judgments suits claims and demands whatsoever against said borough are hereby transferred to and shall continue and may be prosecuted against said city as fully and completely as they could have been against said borough if the said borough charter had not been abolished.
That the mode of enforcing payment of any judgment against said city shall be the same as is now or hereafter may be provided by law for enforcing payment of judgments against the several townships of this state, provided, that any or either party to any judgment may have the same right of appeal to the Court of Common Pleas of Erie County that is now provided by law to appeal from Justices of the Peace.
That the select and common council of said city of Corry shall have power to raise in addition to the amount raised for city proposes may raise not to exceed one and one-half percent on the taxable property real and personal within said city; to appoint as many Policemen as they may deem for the best interest of said city; to raise not to exceed one half of one percent on the real and personal estate of said city for city purposes; to provide for a distribution of a sufficient quantity of good and wholesome water to and through the city and the permanent continuance for the accommodation of the inhabitants thereof; to organize one or more fire companies; to establish a sufficient number of reservoirs to supply water in case of fires; to provide for the lighting of said city with gas or oil in such other way as the said select and common council may determine.
   Jas R Kelley
   Speaker of the House of Representatives
   D Fleming
   Speaker of the Senate
Approved, the eight day of March, anno domini, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six.
   Als Curtin
Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
Harrisburg, March 8, 1866
   I do hereby certify that the foregoing and annexed is a full true and correct copy of the original act of the general assembly entitled. An act to incorporate the City of Corry as the same remains on file in this office.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Secretary's office to be offixed, the day and year above written.
   W W. Armstrong
   Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth