The stated meetings of the select and common council shall be holden for the transaction of business every two weeks, and may hold meetings as much often as the Mayor and the respective councils may designate, and at such place in said city as shall be provided by the ordinances thereof; and the doors of respective halls of said select and common councils shall be open for the admission of orderly and peaceful disposed citizens who may choose to attend sessions thereof; and the said council may provide by ordinance for the punishment by fine of any disorderly conduct disturbing either of the perspective sessions and either body may expel such persons from the hall at its sessions.
That each body shall appoint a clerk, who shall make and keep a full record of it s proceedings recording the names of the members present; and all of the ordinances and by-laws rules and regulations of said councils shall signed by the Mayor and clerk of the respective councils and published in one or more of the public newspapers of said city and the publication proved by oath of some creditable witness and recorded in the records of said city; and the said record shall be deemed and taken as sufficient evidence, of the passage and publication of all such ordinances by-laws, rules and regulations.
That the Mayor of said city shall have the same powers and jurisdiction of the Police Justices, elected under this act.
The select and common councils shall have power to compel the owners or occupiers of lots to repair the sidewalks in front of their respective lots or to cause the repairs to made and file their liens as is now provided by the general laws of this state and the said common council and select council may by a general ordinance regulate the portion of the sidewalks which the owners of dwelling houses and others may use for door steps and other purposes in front of their respective premises; and may impose penalties for mutilating or injuring trees growing upon the streets and public grounds of said city; and the council shall be vested with all the powers in said city which at and immediately before the passage of this act belonged to and were vested in the burgefs and council of the Borough of Corry.
That the select and common council shall have power, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to pass from time to time such and so many ordinances as may be thought proper and necessary for the prevention or regulation of the erection or removal from any other place in said city of any wooden dwelling house, shop or warehouse carriage house store stable or other wooden building within the limits of the said city. Provided, that such ordinances shall not be contrary to the constitution or laws of this state.