§ 154.096 STREETS.
   (A)   Minimum street right-of-way widths and cartway widths shall be as follows:
Cartway - Between Curbs
Type of Street
26 feet
50 feet
26 feet
50 feet
36 feet
60 feet
As prescribed by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and/or City Council
   (B)   In cases where a new subdivision is planned to join the street system on an existing subdivision, the above requirements shall apply except where the existing streets and rights-of-way are larger than required. In this event, the Commission may require that the new streets and rights-of-way be as large as those in the existing subdivision or the above minimums. Private covenants may apply if their provisions are in excess of these regulations. Any street or way that is planned, though not already established shall be continued at not less than its width as planned.
   (C)   Provisions for additional street width (right-of-way) may be required by the Commission in specific cases for:
      (1)   Public safety and convenience;
      (2)   Parking in commercial and industrial areas and areas of high density residential development; and
      (3)   Widening existing streets (rights-of-way) where the width does not meet with the requirements of these regulations.
   (D)   General design criteria for streets shall be in accordance with the design and criteria for streets table in this section.
   (E)   Dead end streets (cul-de-sacs) shall be permitted when it is clear that through traffic at such a street end is not essential to the street system in that district, and under the said conditions, a dead end must have adequate turning space foe vehicles, which shall include a minimum right-of-way radius of 60 feet, and a minimum outside curb radius of 50 feet.
   (F)   Street intersections shall comply with the following requirements:
      (1)   (a)   All curbs at intersections shall be rounded by a minimum radius of:
            1.   Collector and arterial streets: 25 feet; and
            2.   Minor streets: 20 feet.
         (b)   Twenty-foot radii may be used where minor streets intersect collector and/or arterial streets.
      (2)   When fences, hedges or other plantings, structures, or walls on any lot corner would create a traffic hazard by limiting clear vision across a corner lot from a height of three feet above the ground or paved area, such structure and/or vegetation shall be removed in conjunction with grading the right-of-way to provide a sight triange, formed by the intersection of the center line of each street; sight triangles shall be formed by the connection of points on the intersecting street centerlines; such points being 80 feet from the intersection of the centerlines. Trees may be planted in this triangle area provided the lowest foliage is eight feet or higher. In computing heights, the street adjacent to the structure, or the ground line at the structure, whichever is lower, shall be the elevation from which heights are measured. Sight triangles shall be shown on the plan.
      (3)   Where the grade of any street at the approach to an intersection exceeds 5%, a leveling area shall be provided, if possible, with a transitional grade not to exceed 2% for a distance of 50 feet from the nearest curb line of the intersection.
      (4)   Intersections of more than two streets shall be avoided.
      (5)   Minimum street intersection angles shall be 60 degrees. Right angle intersections shall be used whenever possible.
      (6)   Intersecting streets shall be separated by 200 feet or more, measured between centerlines along the centerline of the intersected street.
   (G)   Horizontal curves shall be laid on all deflecting angles along the centerline of streets and the degree of curvature shall be set to assure the proper sight distance as shown in the design criteria for streets table in this section.
   (H)   Vertical curves shall be used in changes of grade exceeding 1% and shall be designed for maximum visibility.
   (I)   In general, minor and collector streets shall not adjoin into the same side of arterial streets at intervals of less than 600 feet.
   (J)   Half streets shall be prohibited. If circumstances render this impractical, adequate provisions for the concurrent dedication of the remaining half of the street must be furnished by the developer.
   (K)   Minor streets in a new development shall be designed to discourage through traffic. However, the provisions for the extension and continuation of major streets into and from adjoining areas is required. Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed major street, the Commission may require marginal access streets, reverse frontage lots or such treatments as will provide protection for abutting properties, reduction in the number of intersections with the major traffic streets, and separation of local and through traffic.
   (L)   When the subdivision adjoins unsubdivided acreage, new streets shall be provided through to the boundary lines of the development with temporary easements for turn-arounds and the construction of graveled 100 foot diameter turnarounds.
   (M)   Proposed streets shall be properly related to municipal, county, and state roads and highway plans which have been prepared and officially adopted, and shall be logically related to the topography so as to produce useable lots and reasonable grades.
   (N)   Where a subdivision borders on or contains a railroad right-of-way, an arterial highway right-of-way or a stream, ravine, steep hill, canal, or swamp, the Commission may require a street approximately parallel to and on each side of such right-of-way or other obstruction at a distance suitable for the appropriate use of the intervening land. Such distances shall also be determined with due regard for the requirements of approach grades and future grade separations, and for non-residential uses of land, where permitted.
   (O)   If the lots in a development are large enough for resubdivision, or if a portion of the tract is not subdivided, suitable access and street openings for such resubdivision shall be provided.
Design Criteria for Streets
Type of Street
Design Criteria for Streets
Type of Street
Maximum grade *
Minimum grade
Minimum center line radius
500 feet
300 feet
150 feet
150 feet
Minimum sight distance **
400 feet
250 feet
150 feet
150 feet
Tangent between curves
300 feet
150 feet
100 feet
*   Grades in excess of the allowable percentage may be approved by the Commission where it is clear that it is necessary and that no traffic hazard is or will be created thereby.
**   Sight distance shall be measured along the centerline of the street between points located at a height of four feet above the street.
The maps will provide a presentation of the general street requirements of these regulations.
(Ord. 1286, passed 6-7-1982) Penalty, see § 154.999