7-505. City fireworks permit required; permit application; permit required for each location; permit fee; permit not transferable; expiration of permit.
   (1)   It shall be unlawful to sell, or offer for sale, ship, or cause to be shipped into the City of Cookeville any item of fireworks, as defined in the latest fire prevention code adopted in chapter 2 of title 7 of this municipal code, without a city fireworks permit issued by the City of Cookeville Codes Department.
   (2)   An application for a city fireworks permit shall be completed and submitted to the codes department no later than two (2) working days prior to the date the applicant desires to begin making sales. The application shall contain and include the following information:
      (a)   Name, address and telephone number of applicant. The applicant's name shall also be the same as the name on the state fire marshal permit.
      (b)   Location where the sale of fireworks is proposed.
      (c)   Site plan, which shall include the dimensions of the structure used for the sale of fireworks.
      (d)   Indication whether the permit is for the year-round or seasonal sale of fireworks.
      (e)   A copy of the state fire marshal permit as required under § 7-504 of this chapter.
      (f)   Confirmation of business license for site and zoning code compliance as required under § 7-507 of this chapter.
      (g)   Documentation of separate sales tax number as required by § 7-508 of this chapter.
      (h)   Documentation of certificate of insurance as required under § 7-509 of this chapter.
   (3)   A separate city fireworks permit is required for each location at which fireworks will be sold.
   (4)   The fee for the city fireworks permit shall be $1.00 per square foot for any structure or any tent, trailer or other temporary structure used for the sale of fireworks, with a minimum fee of $1,200.00.
   (5)   City fireworks permits shall not be transferable.
   (6)   All city fireworks permits shall be for a calendar year or any fraction thereof and shall expire on January 3rd
(as added by Ord. #003-10-19, Dec. 2003)