Article III
   A majority of all members of Council shall constitute a quorum. The affirmative vote of a majority of all members of Council is necessary to adopt any motion, resolution or ordinance unless otherwise provided in this Charter.
   The Council shall determine its own rules and order of business and where no rule has been adopted, Robert's Rules of Order shall be followed. It shall keep a journal of its proceedings and the journal shall be open to public inspection.
   A.    In Writing. All legislative action by Council shall be by ordinance or resolution introduced in written or printed form.
   B.    One Subject. No ordinance or resolution shall contain more than one subject matter, which subject shall be clearly expressed in its title.
   C.    Three Readings. Every ordinance or resolution shall be read at three different Council meetings, provided that this requirement may be dispensed with by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members of Council eligible to vote. Ordinances and resolutions shall be deemed to have been read if a written or printed copy of the ordinance or resolution shall have been furnished to each member of Council prior to its introduction and if the title thereof is fully read, provided that at the request of at least two (2) members of Council such ordinance or resolution shall be read in full.
   D.    Revisions and Amendments. No ordinance or resolution shall be revised or amended unless the entire language of the section being amended is included in the ordinance or resolution; in which case, the original section of the ordinance or resolution shall be repealed.
   E.    Effective Date. An ordinance or resolution which under Section 3G of this Charter may become effective upon it’s a passage as is specified in such ordinance or resolution shall and shall be published or posted as aforesaid, without postponing the effective date thereof.
   F.    Posting and Publishing. Notice of the adoption of ordinances and resolutions of a general or permanent nature shall be given by publishing one (1) time in a newspaper of general circulation in the City within fifteen (15) days following the adoption thereof and making a copy thereof available to public inspection by posting in the City Hall. It shall be sufficient to publish by title only. In the publication of ordinances or resolutions relating to improvements, the advertisement may contain the title, number and date of passage, a concise description of the private property affected, a summary of the nature of the improvement, the rate of any assessment levied or to be levied, and a reference to the copy which shall be on file with the Clerk of Council.
   G.    Emergency Clause. Each ordinance or resolution providing for (a) the appropriation of money, (b) an annual tax levy, and (c) improvements petitioned for by the owners of a majority of the foot frontage of the property benefitted and to be specifically assessed therefor, and (d) any emergency ordinance or resolution necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, shall take effect, unless a later time be specified therein, upon its passage. No other ordinance or resolution shall go into effect until thirty days after its final passage by Council. Each emergency measure shall contain a statement of the necessity for such emergency action and shall require the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of Council eligible to vote for its enactment. No action of Council (a) providing for the surrender or joint exercise by the municipality of any of its powers, (b) granting any franchise, (c) contracting for the supply to the municipality or its inhabitants of the product or service of any utility, whether municipally owned or not, or (d) establishing salaries for elected officers, shall be taken as an emergency measure.
   H.    Voting. An affirmative vote of at least a majority of the members of Council eligible to vote shall be required for the passage or enactment of every ordinance or resolution.