At its organization meeting, the Council shall elect, from its membership, a President Pro- Tem of Council who shall act as President during the absence or disability of the President. The President Pro-Tem of Council and successor, if any, shall serve until the next organization meeting except upon resignation as President Pro-Tem, or upon ceasing in the meantime to be a member of Council, or being removed by a vote of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the members of Council, in which event the Council shall proceed to elect a successor.
The Council shall appoint, from outside its membership, a competent person who shall have the title of Clerk of Council, shall give notice of its meetings, shall keep the journal of its proceedings, shall authenticate by signature and record in full in a book kept for the purpose of all ordinances and resolutions and shall perform such other duties as shall be required by this Charter or by ordinance. The office of Clerk of Council may be combined with that of any administrative office except that of City Manager.
The office of an elected officer of the City shall become vacant upon death, resignation, recall, conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, absence from all Council meetings for three (3) consecutive months without being excused by Council, or if Council determines by resolution that he does not possess the qualifications set forth in Section 2 of this Article.
A simple majority vote of the remaining members of Council is required in selecting a replacement and such replacement shall be selected within thirty (30) days. If, after the specified time Council is unable to agree on a replacement, then the President of Council shall select a replacement. The replacement shall serve out the remainder of the unexpired term. An exception shall be that any vacancy resulting from a recall election shall be filled in the manner provided in Section 705.92 of the Revised Code of Ohio or any amendment thereto.
The Council shall meet in regular session at least twice each month at such times and places as are fixed by ordinance. The Clerk shall call special sessions of the Council upon request of the President of Council or of any three (3) members. Any such request shall state the subject to be considered at such special meeting, and no action shall be taken on any other subject.
Neither President of Council, Council, nor any of its members shall initiate or request the appointment of any person to, or the removal from office by the City Manager or by any of the City Manager's subordinates, nor in any manner take part in the appointment or removal of employees under the department heads. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the Council and its members shall deal with the administrative service solely through the City Manager and neither the Council nor any member thereof shall give orders to any subordinates of the City Manager, either publicly or privately.