No person shall cross a road ditch with any equipment or vehicle excepting highway construction and maintenance equipment without enclosing the ditch in accordance with the following specifications:
   (a)    All driveways shall be built over culverts not shorter than thirty (30) feet nor less than twelve (12) inches in diameter. If the road ditch is more than three (3) feet in depth, the culvert length shall be increased four ( 4) feet for each additional foot of depth. The City Public Services Department shall determine the size of pipe required for all ditch crossings. Recommended conduit materials are:
      (1)   Galvanized Metal Pipe (G.M.P)
      (2)   Reinforced Concrete Pipe (R.C.P)   
      (3)   American Standard Steel Pipe
      (4)   SDR 35 PVC Pipe
      (5)   Hancor Sherlock Smooth on Inside Double Wall Pipe
      (6)   Other material as approved by the Public Services Superintendent.
The conduit shall be joined or spliced in such a way that the conduit is held in alignment.
   (b)    The driveway shall be graded downward at a rate of ½" per foot from edge of the roadway or pavement to the ditch line. At the ditch line, the driveway grade may then break upward or downward to meet the grade of the lot.
   (c)    Driveway pipes for commercial or industrial properties shall be 74% of the length of the longest vehicle using the drive.
   (d)    If the property owner constructs headwalls at the ends of his drive pipe, it shall be cemented, nailed, or connected in a permanent manner so as to hold it in a vertical position to prohibit materials and backfill from plugging the ditch.
   (e)   On location where ditches have excessive width, the property owner may construct a bridge in accordance with good engineering practices and shall maintain the structure at their own expense.
   (f)   Any pipe, culvert, or bridge that is broken, deteriorated, or otherwise restricts the flow of storm water shall be replaced by the property owner at their expense.
      (Ord. 36-14. Passed 4-28-14.)