(A)   Statement of purpose. The Single-Family Residential District is established as a district in which the principal use is for single-family dwellings. For the Single-Family Residential District, in promoting the general purpose of this chapter, the specific intent is:
      (1)   To encourage the construction of, and the continued use of the land for single-family dwellings;
      (2)   To prohibit business, commercial or industrial use of the land, and to prohibit any other use which would substantially interfere with development or continuation of single-family dwellings in the district;
      (3)   To encourage the discontinuance of existing uses that would not be permitted as new uses under the provisions of this chapter;
      (4)   To discourage any land use which would generate traffic on minor or local streets other than normal traffic to serve the residences on those streets;
      (5)   To discourage any use which, because of its character or size, would create requirements and costs for public services, such as fire and police protection, water supply and sewage, substantially in excess of such requirements and costs if the district were developed only for single-family dwellings; and
      (6)   To encourage single-family development in those areas which have suitable soils.
   (B)   Permitted principal uses. The following provisions apply in all Single-Family Residential Districts. Any use not expressly permitted is prohibited.
      (1)   Accessory uses and buildings customarily incidental to the above permitted principal uses;
      (2)   Adult foster care family homes;
      (3)   Family day care homes;
      (4)   Public, parochial or other private elementary, intermediate and/or high schools, offering courses in general education, not operated for profit, with a minimum site size of ten acres;
      (5)   Publicly owned and operated museums, libraries, parks, playfields, playgrounds, recreation facilities and conservation;
      (6)   Single-family detached dwellings (as defined in § 154.020); and
      (7)   Transmission and distribution lines and pipelines and related structures, but not including buildings of public utility companies when located in an existing right-of-way or utility easement.
   (C)   Special land uses. The following special land uses shall be permitted subject to the standards hereinafter imposed:
      (1)   Adult foster care group home;
      (2)   Ambulance station;
      (3)   Bed and breakfast establishments subject to the requirements set forth in § 154.195;
      (4)   Cemeteries, provided that the principal access shall be directly to a county road as defined in the county comprehensive development plan. Minimum site size shall be ten acres;
      (5)   Churches;
      (6)   Convalescent and/or nursing homes, when the following conditions are met.
         (a)   The site shall be so developed as to create a land to building ratio on the parcel whereby for each one bed in the convalescent home there shall be provided not less than 1,500 square feet of land area.
         (b)   No building shall be closer than 40 feet from any property line.
      (7)   Golf courses, which may or may not be operated for profit, subject to the following conditions.
         (a)   The site shall be so planned as to provide all ingress and egress directly onto a county road.
         (b)   Development features including the principal and accessory buildings and structures shall be so located and related as to minimize the possibilities of any adverse effects upon adjacent property. This shall mean that all principal or accessory buildings shall not be less than 200 feet from any property line of abutting residentially zoned lands.
      (8)   Group day care homes;
      (9)   Home occupation as defined in § 154.255;
      (10)   Housing for the elderly. All housing for the elderly shall be provided as a planned development consisting of at least one acre in area and may provide for the following:
         (a)   Cottage-type dwellings and/or apartment-type dwelling units;
         (b)   Common services containing, but not limited to, central dining rooms, recreational rooms, central lounge and workshops;
         (c)   All dwellings shall consist of at least 350 square feet per unit (not including kitchen and sanitary facilities); and
         (d)   Total coverage of all buildings (including dwelling units and related service buildings) shall not exceed 50% of the total site exclusive of any dedicated public right-of-way.
      (11)   Library or museum (noncommercial);
      (12)   Multiple-family dwelling units housing not more than four dwelling units per structure subject to the following conditions:
         (a)   Approval by the County Health Department for the installation of an on-site water well and sewage disposal system;
         (b)   Minimum lot size shall be one acre for each structure; and
         (c)   Required minimum floor area for each dwelling unit shall be:
Dwelling Unit Size
Area in Square Feet
Efficiency unit
One-bedroom unit
Two-bedroom unit
Three-bedroom unit
      (13)   Nursery schools, day nurseries and child care centers (not including dormitories) provided that for each child so cared for, there shall be provided and maintained a minimum of 150 square feet of outdoor play area. Such play space shall have a total minimum area of at least 5,000 square feet and shall be screened from adjoining lot in any residential district;
      (14)   Police and/or fire stations;
      (15)   Planned residential developments in accordance with § 154.150;
      (16)   Public office buildings;
      (17)   Public parks and playgrounds;
      (18)   Swimming pool (community or public);
      (19)   Temporary building for use incidental to construction work for a period not to exceed one year; and
      (20)   Transmission and distribution lines, pipelines of public utility companies when new rights-of way or easements are required; and structures of public utility companies, provided that there shall be no storage of materials, equipment vehicles or supplies on the premises, except as required for maintenance of a permitted or conditional use; provided further that no personnel shall be quartered on the premises and provided that the structures shall be located, designed, constructed, and landscaped in such a manner as to conform to the character of the surrounding area and the zoning district in which located.
   (D)   Area, height, bulk and placement requirements. Area, height, bulk and placement requirements unless otherwise specified area are as provided in § 154.044.
(Ord. 1, passed 11-13-2000, § 3.4; Ord. 22, passed 7-13-2015)