All planned residential developments (PRD) shall be regulated as set forth in this section, the approved plan, any special conditions imposed by the Township Board and other applicable provisions of this chapter.
   (A)   Standards. For the purposes of computing and controlling population density, the following standards shall apply.
      (1)   The entire gross area of the planned residential development, including street right-of-way, parks, schools, and other public or private open space, shall be included in the computation of area. Subaqueous or submerged bottom land of lakes or streams shall be excluded in computing the area of a parcel except that when land abutting said lakes or streams is substantially developed in park or open space for the use of residents of the PRD, the surface area of said lakes or streams may be used to compute density.
      (2)   Maximum density permitted shall be 24 bedrooms per acre in PRDs, subject to the following.
         (a)   Not less than 33.33% of the total number of bedrooms shall be in single-family dwellings.
         (b)   Single-family detached dwellings shall be assumed to have three bedrooms for each dwelling, no more and no less.
         (c)   For purposes of computing density, a den, library or other extra room shall not count as a bedroom unless a closet opens directly to said room.
   (B)   Requirement. In order to provide an orderly transition of density, where the project being proposed for use as a PRD immediately abuts an R-1 District, the Township Board may require that the area immediately abutting and within 300 feet of said R-1 District shall be developed in single-family lots, or shall be developed as open or recreational space.
   (C)   Single-family dwellings. Single-family dwellings shall be subject to the requirements of § 154.044 applicable to the R-1 Districts, except as otherwise modified in the approved plan.
   (D)   Multiple dwellings. Multiple dwellings shall be subject to the requirements of § 154.044, except as otherwise modified in the approved plan.
   (E)   Submittal of proposed PRD plan. An application shall be made to the Township Clerk for review and recommendation by the Planning Commission of the following:
      (1)   A boundary survey of the exact acreage being requested done by a registered land surveyor or civil engineer (scale: not smaller than one inch equals 200 feet);
      (2)   A topographic map of the entire area at a two foot contour interval. This map shall indicate all major stands of trees, bodies of water and unbuildable areas (scale: not smaller than one inch equals 200 feet);
      (3)   A recent aerial photograph of the area shall be provided (scale: not smaller than one inch equals 200 feet);
      (4)   A preliminary plan for the entire area carried out in such detail as to indicate the functional uses and dwelling unit types being requested; the proposed population densities; a traffic circulation plan; sites being reserved for schools, service activities, playgrounds, recreation areas, parking areas, and other open spaces and areas to be used for the public or by residents of the planned residential development (scale: not smaller than one inch equals 200 feet);
      (5)   An indication of the contemplated storm and sanitary sewer plan, and a preliminary topographic map indicating how the land area is proposed to be shaped; and
      (6)   A written statement explaining in detail the full intent of the sponsor, indicating the type of dwelling units contemplated, resultant population and providing supporting documentation such as: soil survey; studies supporting land use requests; and the intended scheduling of the development.
   (F)   Review of proposed PRD plan.
      (1)   Upon receipt of an application as a preliminary submittal, the Zoning Administrator shall refer such request to the Planning Commission for its report and recommendation. Prior to making such report and recommendation, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the application.
      (2)   Following said public hearing and receipt of the Planning Commission’s report and recommendation, the Township Board may approve said application and accompanying plan only upon finding that:
         (a)   All applicable provisions of this section and this chapter have been met. Insofar as any provision of this section shall be in conflict with the provisions of any other section of this chapter, the provisions of this section shall apply to the land embraced within a planned residential development area;
         (b)   Adequate areas have been provided for all utilities, schools, walkways, playgrounds, recreation areas, parking areas and other open spaces and areas to be used by the public or by residents of the community;
         (c)   Open space may include parks and recreation areas, wooded lots, schools, golf courses, water areas, and any use of a similar nature approved by the Township Board; provided, however, that at least one acre for each 200 bedrooms shall be preserved as park, recreation or open space rather than as a golf course, water area, right-of-way, school or similar limited use area;
         (d)   There is or will be at the time of development an adequate means of disposing of sanitary sewage and of supplying the development with water and that the road system and storm water drainage system is adequate;
         (e)   The plan provides for an efficient, aesthetic and desirable use of the open areas and the plan is in keeping with the physical character of the township and the area surrounding the development;
         (f)   The applicant has made provision, satisfactory to the Township Board, to assure that those areas shown on the plan for use by the public or occupants of the development will be or have been committed for that purpose. The Township Board may require that conveyances or other documents be placed in escrow to accomplish this;
         (g)   Provisions satisfactory to the Township Board have been made to provide for the future financing of any improvements shown on the plan for open space areas, and common use areas which are to be included within the development and that maintenance of such improvements is assured by a means satisfactory to the Township Board; and
         (h)   The cost of installing all streets and the necessary utilities has been assured by a means satisfactory to the Township Board.
   (G)   Approval of planned residential development by the Township Board.
      (1)   If the Township Board shall determine to grant the application and approve the plan, a permit shall be issued setting forth the conditions upon which the approval is based.
      (2)   Once an area has been included within a plan for planned residential development and such plan has been approved by the Township Board, no development may take place in such area nor may any use thereof be made except in accordance with said plan or in accordance with a Township Board approved amendment thereto, unless the plan is terminated as provided herein.
      (3)   An approved plan may be terminated by the applicant or its successors or assigns, prior to any development within the area involved, by filing with the township and recording in the county records an affidavit so stating. The approval of the plan shall terminate upon said recording.
      (4)   No approved plan shall be terminated after development commences except with the approval of the Township Board and of all parties in interest in the land.
      (5)   Within a period of two years following approval by the Township Board, final plats and/or site plans for an area embraced within the Planned Residential Development must be submitted as hereinafter provided. If such plats and/or plans have not been submitted and approved within the two- year period, the right to develop under the approved plan may be terminated by the township.
   (H)   Submittal. Before any zoning compliance permit shall be issued for buildings and structures within the area of planned residential development, final plats and/or site plans for a project area shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator for review and recommendation by the Planning Commission of the following:
      (1)   Said site plans and plats shall be fully dimensioned and shall show a fully scaled plan view of all buildings, (except detached single-family dwellings), all public rights-of-way and private streets, areas within each project area and the proposed ultimate density thereof, parking areas, utilities, churches, schools and areas to be set aside for the use of the public or by residents within the development (scale: one inch equals 50 feet);
      (2)   The proposed topography two-foot contour interval shall be superimposed on all plats and plans (scale: one inch equals 50 feet);
      (3)   Floor plans typical of all residential buildings except detached single-family, shall be submitted and the site plan shall indicate which floor plan is applicable to each such building; and
      (4)   Each final plat and/or site plan submitted within the planned residential development shall, either individually or in combination with previously approved project areas, meet the standards of the chapter as to density.
   (I)   Review and approval of plats. Review and approval of plats shall comply with Public Act 591 of 1996 (the Land Division Act), being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.101 et seq.
   (J)   Board action. Before approving of any final plat and plan, the Township Board shall determine:
      (1)   All portions of the project area shown upon the approved plan for the planned residential development for use by the public or the residents of lands within the planned residential development have been committed to such uses in accordance with the planned residential development contract;
      (2)   The final plats and/or site plans are in substantial conformity with the approved plan for the PRD;
      (3)   The provisions have been made in accordance with the PRD contract to provide for the financing of any improvements shown on the project area plan for open spaces and common areas which are to be provided by the applicant and that maintenance of such improvements is assured in accordance with the PRD contract; and
      (4)   A dedication of public roads shall have been made so as to cause continuity of public access between the adjacent major thoroughfare and ingress and egress to all private development within the project area plan.
   (K)   Construction. During construction of the Planned Residential Development, building permits for residential structures shall be issued in such a manner as to assure that on a cumulative basis not less than 33.33% of the total number of bedrooms (for which permits are or have been issued) shall be in single-family dwellings. Occupancy permits shall not be issued for other than single-family dwellings until occupancy permits have been issued for not less than 50% of the single-family dwellings which are necessary to maintain the above 33.334% of bedrooms. The Planning Commission may waive these requirements to the extent that a minimum number of model units could be displayed by the developer.
   (L)   Contract. In order to assure the development of open space in conjunction with a PRD, the Township Board shall include in the contract recorded with the Register of Deeds, a schedule for the completion of dwelling units. The developer may suggest a schedule for review by the Township Board.
   (M)   Completion. If the development of approved final plats and/or site plans is not substantially completed in three years after approval, further final submittals under the planned residential development shall cease until the part in question is completed or cause can be shown for not completing same.
   (N)   Changes or amendments. Any changes or amendments requested shall terminate approval of the overall plan until such changes or amendments have been reviewed and approved as in the first instance. In instances where modifications are necessary to the plan, the Zoning Administrator may request that the plan be again submitted for review if, in his or her judgement, a substantial change is being made in the plan.
(Ord. 1, passed 11-13-2000, § 9.1)