(a) Prior to final plat approval by Council, the subdivider shall have installed the required improvements.
(b) All items of work covered and stipulated in the construction plans, including altering or any extra work shall be performed in accordance with the lines, grades, typical cross sections and dimensions shown on the construction plans. All areas within the rights-of-way and easements shall be graded in accordance with the grading plan. All other areas shall be rough graded such that building construction (including basement excavation) will satisfy final grading in accordance with the grading plan. The setting and marking of all lines, profile and grade stakes necessary for the layout of the work in accordance with the improvement plans shall be performed under the supervision of a registered surveyor. Should any misunderstanding arise as to the intent or meaning of the construction plans, or any discrepancy appear in same, or in the proper method of setting and marking of the construction stakes, the decision of the Municipal Engineer in such cases shall be final. All surveys and construction plans shall be based on the Pickaway County Horizontal and Vertical Control System. An index of control points is available from the Pickaway County Engineer.
(c) The construction material specifications and standard drawings of Commercial Point, along with the City of Columbus, Ohio and ODOT, shall govern the required improvements except as modified within these Subdivision Regulations.
(d) (1) All engineering construction plans shall be prepared, signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer. Construction plans shall include title sheet, index map, location map, typical sections, plan and profile view, benchmarks, miscellaneous engineering details, and estimate of quantities. Cross sections shall be submitted upon request by the Municipal Engineer. All typical sections and major engineering details to be used on any particular street shall be approved in advance before completion of the engineering construction plans.
(2) The title sheet of the engineering construction plans must contain the name of the subdivision, road or street names, county and location map. Space shall be provided on the title sheet or the first sheet of the plan for signature of the Mayor; Utility Plant Superintendent; and Municipal Engineer. The following statement shall be above the village's signature block: "Signatures below signify only concurrence with the general purpose and general location of the project. All technical details remain the responsibility of the engineer preparing the plans."
(3) The necessity of guard rail, seeding, erosion control, type of backfill or other special conditions shall be determined with the assistance of the Municipal Engineer before completion of the construction plans.
(4) The engineering construction plans shall show the drainage area and design flow for all major culverts in 12 inches and greater.
(5) The engineering construction plans shall be made with India ink on matte Mylar material. Freehand linear drawings will not be accepted. No shading or coloring shall be allowed. The sheets upon which the engineering construction drawings are made shall measure 24" x 36", with 1/2" margin border on three sides and a 1-1/2" to 2" binding margin on the short left side. A poorly drawn or illegible plan is sufficient cause for rejection.
(6) Submittal requirements include improvement plans, sanitary sewer calculations, storm drainage calculations, grading plans, landscaping plans, erosion and sedimentation control plans, and lighting plans. See § 1109.03 for time frames for submittal to the Planning and Zoning Administrator.
(7) Resubmittals of engineering construction plans shall clearly show all revisions made thereto by notes in the "revision" block with each revision clearly outlined on the appropriate sheet(s). A lack of properly addressing all Technical Review Group comments is sufficient cause for rejecting the resubmittal.
(8) After all improvements have been constructed, a complete set of as-built plans on reproducible Mylar and electronic copy of the same in either pdf or tif format shall be submitted to the Municipal Engineer for municipal files.
(e) Testing to ensure compliance with the standards contained herein shall be required by the Municipal Engineer, and shall be at the expense of the subdivider.
(f) (1) Plan view on improvement plans must include the following:
A. Right-of-way line, centerline, departing lot lines, lot numbers, subdivision limits, and limits of construction.
B. Centerline curve data and centerline tangent data, including delta, radius, arc, chord, and tangent.
C. Radius of all curb returns to face of curb.
D. Approved street name.
E. Stations at every 100 feet on centerline. Indicate stations at points of curve and tangent at the beginning and end of all returns at centerline intersection, and at subdivision or section limits.
F. Street widths are based on face of curb to face of curb for full length.
G. When proposed streets intersect with or join existing streets or traveled way, indicate both edges of existing pavement, surface, or curb and gutter for a minimum of 100 feet, or the length of connection, whichever distance is the greater.
H. All existing or proposed easements.
I. All water mains, their sizes, valves, and fire hydrants, and location of mains to centerline of street.
J. All sanitary sewers and appurtenances. Identify sanitary sewer appurtenances by type. All appurtenances shall be numbered.
K. The location of all or any natural springs whether within or draining to street right-of-way and indicate proposed treatment of it. All springs will be capped and piped in a minimum six-inch diameter perforated pipe encased in washed gravel, and connected into the nearest storm manhole or curb inlet.
L. Proposed stream or channel relocations. Show existing and proposed locations. Furnish detailed typical section and type of stabilization to be provided. Any proposed stream or channel relocation, excluding road side ditch, shall comply with the requirements of the Army Corp of Engineers.
M. Guard posts or barricade at the end of streets that are to be extended in the future. A temporary T-turnaround shall be provided for dead end streets exceeding 200 feet in length.
N. Protection of ends of curb and gutter by providing for erosion control and temporary drainage where required.
O. Where a special typical section is approved, provides detail on plan.
P. Notes that may be necessary to explain the intent and purposes of the plan.
Q. Symmetrical transition of pavement at intersection with existing street.
(2) Profile view on improvement plans must include the following:
A. Elevations at beginning and end of all vertical curves.
B. Length of vertical curves with elevations and stations of vertical points of intersections (VPI).
C. Elevations computed every 50 feet on all tangent sections, and grades computed every 25 feet in all vertical curves.
D. Elevations along all curbs and curb returns on intersecting streets. The grades of intersecting streets shall match at the intersection of the extensions of the respective curbs. In other words, a hypothetical curb P.I. must be established.
E. Elevations at all curb inlets.
F. Extension of centerline profile 300 feet beyond property line or boundary on all streets that provide for access to adjoining property.
G. Existing centerline profiles for 200 feet minimum distance to insure proper grade tie, when proposed street is an extension of, or connects with an existing street or road.
H. Centerline profile of existing street or road 300 feet minimum distance to right and left of proposed connection, when a proposed street intersects with an existing street or road.
I. All proposed water mains, sanitary sewer mains, storm drains, and appurtenances.
J. All crossings of existing utilities.
K. Notes that may be necessary to explain the intent and purposes of the profile.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)