§ 155.04  DEFINITIONS.
   The words, terms and phrases used in this chapter shall have the meanings set forth in §§ 154.004 and 154.005 of this code of ordinances, except as set forth below. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ACCESSORY USE.  A use or structure on the same lot with and of a nature customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal use or structure.
   ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES (APF) ALLOCATION.  A reservation of capacity made by the Administrator upon a determination of adequacy.
   ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES (APF) APPLICATION.  An application for a determination of adequacy of public facilities.
   ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES (APF) SCHEDULE.  A schedule maintained by the Administrator that tracks the capacity of public facilities.
   ADMINISTRATOR.  The Columbus Town Manager or his or her designee
   ADVANCED FACILITY.  A capital improvement proposed to be constructed, dedicated or funded by an applicant pursuant to an approved mitigation plan.
   BUILDING, ACCESSORY.  A detached building subordinate to the main building on a lot and used for purposes customarily incidental to the main or principal building and located on the same lot.
   CAPACITY.  The demand that can be accommodated by a public facility.
   CAPACITY, ALLOCATED.  Capacity reserved pursuant to an unexpired APF allocation made under this chapter.
   CAPACITY, AVAILABLE.  The circumstance where public facilities have sufficient capacity, based on adopted levels of service standards, to accommodate the demand created by a proposed development, including where an applicant has provided advanced facilities sufficient to mitigate the impacts of the proposed development on public facilities.
   CAPACITY, COMMITTED.  Capacity consumed by development approved prior to the effective date of this chapter and not subject to the requirements of this chapter.
   CAPACITY, RESERVED.  Capacity reserved for a specified development or use, other than those set aside pursuant to an APF allocation, including developments proposed after the effective date of this chapter, which impact public facilities, but which are exempt from the requirements of this chapter.
   CAPACITY, USED.  Capacity dedicated to habitable structures and existing land uses, served by the public facility at the time of the APF determination.
   CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS.  A physical asset, including land, that mitigates the offsite impacts of new development on public facilities, the costs of which generally are nonrecurring, may require multi-year financing, and provide additional capacity needed to accommodate the demand for public facilities.
   CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, EXISTING.  Capital improvements either constructed and operational at the time of an APF application or the portion of a capital improvement which was designed to serve existing residents and employees as of the effective date of this chapter.
   CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, PLANNED.  Capital improvements included on a CIP and expected to be available by the end of the third fiscal year following the date of the APF application.
   CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, TOTAL.  Existing capital improvements and planned capital improvements.
   CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM or CIP.  Plans and budgets adopted by the town, or service provider of a particular public facility, which itemize planned capital improvements and the timing and means of funding the improvements.
   DETERMINATION OF ADEQUACY.  A determination by the Administrator, after consultation with the responsible agency or town department, that each public facility impacted by a proposed development has available capacity, which determination may be based on an approved mitigation plan.
   DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL.  Any of the following applications that specify the amount of proposed floor area and/or number of units or lots, by land use type, and which has not received a determination of adequacy:
      (1)   A special use permit;
      (2)   Any overlay district for which a site specific development plan is required under the provisions of this chapter;
      (3)   A conditional zoning district;
      (4)   A subdivision sketch plan or a preliminary plan when required by the Subdivision Ordinance;
      (5)   A final plat when no sketch plan or preliminary plan is required; or
      (6)   Building permit.
   ESSENTIAL PUBLIC SERVICES.  Facilities operated by governmental or quasi-governmental agencies that provide services on behalf of the public, which are critical to the health, safety and welfare of the public. ESSENTIAL PUBLIC SERVICES may include but are not limited to governmental offices, parks and recreation facilities; public transit facilities; schools; gas, electric or steam distribution systems; water and sewer services; solid waste systems; communications systems; emergency services; publicly-owned housing; fire protection services; and law enforcement services.
   FTE; FULL TIME EMPLOYEE.  Refers to the number of full time personnel in a department.
   LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS).  An indicator of the extent or degree of service provided by a public facility, based upon and related to the operational characteristics of the facility, in comparison to the capacity of the public facility.
   MITIGATION PLAN.  A voluntary plan, effectuated through a binding agreement, to ensure the provision of available capacity through advanced facilities, where capacity would not otherwise be adequate to support the demand resulting from a proposed development.
   PHASED DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL.  A development proposal wherein the proposed development will be constructed incrementally in a logical time and geographical sequence according to an approved phasing schedule.
   PHASING SCHEDULE.  A schedule that sets forth the timing of the development of a development proposal, including, but not limited to, provision of necessary public facilities, the number of units, as applicable, and their location on the site.
   PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT.  Development proposed pursuant to a development proposal and an APF application.
   PUBLIC FACILITIES.  Parks and recreation, law enforcement, fire protection facilities, government administrative facilities, water system, sewer system and street system
(Ord. passed - -2008)