The Chief of Police is hereby directed and empowered to prepare and promulgate such rules, regulations and provisions, and amendments thereto, as may in their discretion be necessary to carry out the express intent of this chapter, which provisions shall include a table of organization not in conflict herewith.
(Prior Code, § 34.03) (Ord. 2242, passed 12-15-1971; Ord. 23-10, passed 7-17-2023)
(A) It shall be the duty of the Community Service Technician to enforce all the provisions of §§ 50.18, 50.19, 50.35 through 50.45, 70.079, 70.099, 71.007, 72.01 through 72.05, 72.20 through 72.25, 72.27 through 72.30, 72.32 through 72.35, 72.37, 72.39, 72.62, 72.86, 72.88, Ch. 75, Schd. I; 90.044, 91.15, 91.17, 91.18, 91.30, 92.01 through 92.12, 92.29, 92.30, 92.46, 94.001, 94.045, 94.065, 94.067, Ch. 96, 97.01, 110.40, 130.18, 133.04, 134.02, 130.04 and 151.01 of this code and any amendments thereto.
(B) The Community Service Technician shall have the power to issue citations to enforce the aforementioned code sections. The Community Service Technician may be based in the Police Department and/or the Community Development Department and perform the necessary duties for each department as it pertains to the aforementioned code sections.
(Prior Code, § 34.05) (Ord. 00-35, passed 11-6-2000; Ord. 18-07, passed 3-5-2018)
The part-time police officer unit may be created and if created shall consist of such number of members as shall from time to time be determined by the Mayor and City Council, and they shall be under the direction of the Mayor and the Chief of Police or a person designated by them.
(Prior Code, § 34.15) (Ord. 23-10, passed 7-17-2023)