No specific permit for the moving of a building shall be recommended for approval by the Planning Commission or approved by the City Council if any of the following conditions exist:
   (A)   The application does not contain all information and accompanying documents required by § 114.08 of this code;
   (B)   The move requires trimming of trees or shrubbery situated on private property for which written consent has not been obtained from all owners;
   (C)   Applicable ordinances of the city would be violated by the building in its new location;
   (D)   The moving equipment is unsafe and persons or property would be endangered by its use;
   (E)   The building is too large to move without endangering persons or property;
   (F)   The building is structurally unsafe or unfit for the purpose for which it is to be used;
   (G)   There has not been compliance with the requirements for the fee, payments, bond, insurance or other requirements of this chapter;
   (H)   The building, regardless of size, is in such a state of deterioration or disrepair or is otherwise so structurally unsafe that it could not be moved without endangering persons or property;
   (I)   It is proposed to move the building to a location on which a similar building would be in violation of the zoning ordinances and requirements of the city relating to such building, unless a variance has been granted by the appropriate board;
   (J)   The building or structure to be moved is or has been infested with termites or other destructive insects which would endanger life or property by moving the building;
   (K)   The building to be moved is in such condition or age that it has depreciated more than 50% of a similar new building; however, any building may be moved if it has been well maintained and is in an excellent state of preservation and meets the requirements of this chapter and is approved by the Chief Building and Code Inspector; or
   (L)   For any other reason persons or property in the city would be endangered by the moving of the building.
(Prior Code, § 114.15) (Ord. 01-28, passed 5-7-2001; Ord. 17-03, passed 1-16-2017)