114.01 Definitions
114.02 Act prohibited
114.03 Jurisdiction
114.04 License required
114.05 Insurance required
114.06 Cancellation or termination of insurance
114.07 License suspension or revocation
114.08 Permit required
114.09 Permit fee required
114.10 Notice along moving route
114.11 Waiver of notice and publication
114.12 Required hearing notice and publication
114.13 Permit insurance
114.14 Standards for issuance of permit
114.15 Denial of permit
114.16 Building permit
114.17 Certificate of occupancy
114.18 Size of building; limitation
114.19 Interfering with trees
114.20 Cleaning premises
114.21 Utilities capped
114.22 Termination of moving permit
114.23 Expiration of moving permit
114.24 Duties of building mover
114.25 Newly constructed buildings
114.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BUILDING. A structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy, but does not include buildings under 120 square feet, trailers and single-wide mobile homes.
BUILDING MOVER. A person who engages in the business or in the act of moving a building or buildings from one location to another.
(Prior Code, § 114.01) (Ord. 01-28, passed 5-7-2001; Ord. 17-03, passed 1-16-2017)
It shall be unlawful for any person to move or allow to be moved any building into, out of, within or through the city without first securing a permit from the city, or to engage in the business of moving buildings out of, into, within or through the city unless being issued a license by the city.
(Prior Code, § 114.02) (Ord. 01-28, passed 5-7-2001; Ord. 17-03, passed 1-16-2017) Penalty, see § 114.99