§ 112.30 INTENT.
   The intent and purpose of the City Council in adopting and administering the provisions of this subchapter on entertainment districts includes, but is not limited to:
   (A)   Encouraging economic growth in areas near entertainment venues and creating additional entertainment venues within the city by providing exciting, vibrant and diverse restaurants, retail, housing and lodging that will support and complement the entertainment venue;
   (B)   Providing for the regulation of areas designated as entertainment district(s) and commons area(s) contained with the entertainment district(s); and
   (C)   Protecting the health, safety and/or welfare of the public in said entertainment district(s).
(Prior Code, § 112.20) (Ord. 21-29, passed 10-4-2021)
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COMMONS AREA. Shall have the same meaning as that which is set forth in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 53-123.17, as may be amended from time to time.
      (1)   An area of real property designated and permitted by the City Council pursuant to this chapter whereby the City Council may approve commons area(s) for events that qualify based on this chapter and Neb. Rev. Stat. Chapter 53.
      (2)   The state’s Liquor Control Commission may issue annual ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT licenses to businesses to allow retail licensees, craft brewery licensees, microdistillery licensees and holders of a manufacturer’s license to share in the use of one or more commons areas.
(Prior Code, § 112.21) (Ord. 21-29, passed 10-4-2021)
   Entertainment districts within the city shall be private in nature and shall comply with the following permit and designation requirements.
   (A)   Private entertainment districts. The City Council may designate private entertainment districts in which a commons area may be used by retail, craft brewery and microdistillery licensees and holders of a manufacturer’s license which obtain an entertainment district liquor license from the state’s Liquor Control Commission.
   (B)   Commons area permit procedure.
      (1)   For establishment and use of a private entertainment district:
         (a)   Upon presentation of an entertainment district permit application to the City Council a public hearing shall be held;
         (b)   The entertainment district permit application shall designate the commons area;
         (c)   The public hearing shall be conducted informally, and the intent is to inquire into the facts in a non-adversary nature. The hearing shall be conducted according to the rules and procedures of the City Council, as they may be amended from time to time; and
         (d)   If approved by a majority vote, the City Council shall designate the real property described on the permit application as an entertainment district and file such designation with the state’s Liquor Control Commission.
      (2)   The filing fee for each permit application shall be established by resolution adopted by the City Council.
   (C)   Commons area(s) permit within designated entertainment districts. The city shall establish and modify, as necessary, the requirements of utilizing an entertainment district as a commons area within the special event permit application.
(Prior Code, § 112.22) (Ord. 21-29, passed 10-4-2021; Ord. 23-01, passed 2-6-2023)