General Provisions
112.01 Right of entry
112.02 Appeal
112.15 Consumption; where prohibited; exceptions
112.16 Sale at retail; hours
Entertainment Districts
112.30 Intent
112.31 Definitions
112.32 Entertainment district designation and commons area permit
112.33 Licensure
112.34 Requirements and regulations
112.35 Modification of entertainment districts
All police officers of this city are hereby authorized to enter at any time upon the premises of any liquor licensee or applicant for a liquor license to determine whether any laws and rules of the state, the state’s Liquor Control Commission and the provisions of this code have been or are being violated and at such time to examine sufficiently the premises.
(Prior Code, § 112.01)
Any order or action by the City Council revoking or refusing to revoke a retail liquor license or refusing to grant a hearing upon a complaint to revoke the license may, within 15 days after notice of the order or action, be appealed from by the holder of the retail license, three or more persons who are residents of the city or any person interested, to the state’s Liquor Control Commission.
(Prior Code, § 112.02) (Ord. 2216, passed 9-1-1971)