   (A)   The Mayor and Public Works Director or designee shall publicly announce each declaration of a snow emergency made pursuant to this subchapter by means of broadcast or telecast from broadcasting stations with a normal operating range covering the city and in newspapers of general circulation when so desired. Each announcement shall describe the action taken by the Mayor and Public Works Director or designee, including the time it became or will become effective, and shall specify the streets or areas affected. The Mayor and Public Works Director or designee shall issue an executive order to record the details of the snow emergency as soon after the declaration of an emergency as is feasible.
   (B)   The Mayor and Public Works Director or designee may declare the prohibition terminated, in whole or in part, effective immediately upon announcement or at a later specified time.
(Prior Code, § 72.50) (Ord. 3165, passed 6-1-1987)
   Any provision of this subchapter which becomes effective by order or declaration of the Mayor and Public Works Director or designee upon the occurrence of a snow emergency, while temporarily in effect, shall take precedence over other conflicting provisions of law normally in effect, except that it shall not take precedence over provisions of law relating to traffic accidents, emergency travel of authorized emergency vehicles or emergency traffic directions by a police officer or other person designated by the Chief of Police.
(Prior Code, § 72.51) (Ord. 3165, passed 6-1-1987)
   (A)   Definition. The term SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES, as used in this subchapter, shall mean those streets established as such in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter.
   (B)   Establishment of routes. The Mayor and Public Works Director or designee is hereby authorized to establish snow emergency routes upon any street or highway of the city and may place appropriate signs, marks, lines, signals or other traffic-control devices indicating the existence of the snow emergency routes. The designation of any street, highway or portion thereof as a snow emergency route shall in no way affect any previous designation of that street or highway as an arterial or other road designation.
(Prior Code, § 72.52) (Ord. 2326, passed 9-5-1973)
   The Mayor and Public Works Director or designee may order a parking prohibition on all snow emergency routes by declaring that an emergency exists on the basis of falling snow, sleet, freezing rain or official forecast by the U.S. Weather Service of snow, sleet, freezing rain or other weather conditions making it necessary that parking on a snow emergency route be prohibited for snow plowing or other purposes. In such declaration, the Mayor and Public Works Director or designee shall state the time that the emergency shall be in effect. It shall be unlawful for any person to park or allow to remain parked any vehicle on any portion of a snow emergency route during a parking prohibition affecting such streets. Once in effect, the parking prohibition imposed under this section shall remain in effect until terminated by the Mayor and Public Works Director or designee. However, nothing in this section shall be construed to permit parking at any time or place where it is forbidden by any other provision of law.
(Prior Code, § 72.53) (Ord. 3165, passed 6-1-1987) Penalty, see § 72.999
   Whenever the Mayor and Public Works Director or designee shall find, on the basis of falling snow, accumulated snow, sleet or freezing rain or on the basis of an official forecast by the U.S. Weather Bureau of snow, snow accumulation, sleet or freezing rain that weather conditions will make it necessary that parking on arterial and residential streets be prohibited or restricted for snow plowing and other purposes, the Mayor and Public Works Director or designee may put into effect a parking prohibition on a part of or all of any arterial or residential street by declaring that emergency conditions exist and that all parking be prohibited on both sides of any arterial or residential street or by declaring that parking be prohibited on one side of the arterial or residential street, designating either the odd or even address numbered side, at the Mayor and Public Works Director or designee’s discretion. In such declaration of emergency conditions, the Mayor and Public Works Director or designee shall state the time that the emergency shall be in effect, and from the time so designated, all parking of motor vehicles on arterial or residential streets shall be prohibited. While the prohibition is in effect, no person shall allow to remain parked any motor vehicle on any portion of an arterial or residential street designated herein. Once in effect, a parking prohibition imposed under this section shall remain in effect until terminated by declaration of the Mayor and Public Works Director or designee, who may then declare that there shall be in effect a parking prohibition on the opposite side of those arterial or residential streets designated herein, which prohibition shall remain in effect until terminated by declaration of the Mayor and Public Works Director or designee.
(Prior Code, § 72.54) (Ord. 3165, passed 6-1-1987) Penalty, see § 72.999
   (A)   Whenever an emergency has been declared pursuant to this subchapter, no person operating a motor vehicle on a designated snow emergency route or designated arterial or residential street shall allow the motor vehicle to become stalled or stuck, including those motor vehicles which become stalled or stuck due to the fact that the motor fuel supply is exhausted or the battery has become inoperative.
   (B)   Whenever a motor vehicle becomes stalled or stuck for any reason on any designated snow emergency route or designated arterial or residential street on which there is a parking prohibition in effect, the person operating the motor vehicle shall take immediate action to have the motor vehicle towed or pushed off the roadway of the designated snow emergency route or designated arterial or residential street, either to the nearest cross street which is not subject to a parking prohibition or to another appropriate location.
   (C)   No person shall abandon or leave a motor vehicle in the roadway of a designated snow emergency route or designated arterial or residential street except for the purpose of securing assistance during the actual time necessary to go to nearby telephone, garage, service station or other place of assistance and return without delay.
(Prior Code, § 72.55) (Ord. 2326, passed 9-5-1973) Penalty, see § 72.999
   (A)   The Police Chief or his or her designee is hereby authorized to remove or have removed a vehicle from a street or city-owned or operated parking facility to the Police Department impound lot or other place designated by the Police Department when one or more of the following occur:
      (1)   The vehicle is parked on a snow emergency route on which there is a parking prohibition in effect.
      (2)   The vehicle is stalled on a snow emergency route on which there is a parking prohibition in effect, and the person who is operating the vehicle does not appear to be removing it in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter.
      (3)   The vehicle is parked on any street or other public area in violation of any parking prohibition or provision of law contained in this subchapter and is interfering or about to interfere with snow removal operations.
   (B)   The owner or other person lawfully entitled to the possession of any vehicle towed or stored shall be charged with the reasonable cost of towing and storage fees. Any such towing or storage fee shall be a lien upon the vehicle prior to all other claims. Any person towing or storing a vehicle shall be entitled to retain possession of the vehicle until the charges are paid. The lien provided for in this section shall not apply to the contents of the vehicle.
Penalty, see § 72.999