General Provisions
   72.001   Time limits set by City Council
   72.002   Painting curbs
   72.003   Parking spaces
   72.004   Prohibited parking
   72.005   Abandoned vehicles
   72.020   Parking near street intersections
   72.021   Driving or parking within sidewalk space
   72.022   Parking near traffic-control devices
   72.023   Parking near fire hydrants
   72.024   Parking of semi-truck/trailer and commercial vehicle
   72.025   Angle parking
   72.026   Parking of oversize vehicles, trailer, mobile home, camping trailer or bus in residential districts
   72.027   Parking upon roadways or city parking lots for certain purposes prohibited
   72.028   Obstructing driveways or roads
   72.029   Parking in alleys
   72.030   Impeding or obstructing traffic
   72.031   Stopping, standing or parking in loading zone
   72.032   Large or dangerous vehicles
   72.033   Parking for purpose of selling merchandise
   72.034   Stopped school buses
   72.035   Parking time limit in public parking lots
   72.036   Parallel parking
   72.037   Restricted or private parking lots
   72.038   Streets without curb
   72.039   Handicapped parking enforcement
   72.040   Overtime parking
   72.041   Stopping, standing or parking in places which would cause hazardous conditions or traffic congestion
   72.042   Obstructing use of public parking spaces
   72.043   Unattended motor vehicles
   72.044   Parking in fire zones; prohibited
   72.045   Automobile parking and storage restrictions
Snow Emergencies
   72.060   Emergency declarations by Mayorand Public Works Director
   72.061   Provisions temporarily effective take precedence
   72.062   Snow emergency routes
   72.063   Prohibition of parking on snow emergency routes
   72.064   Prohibition of parking on arterial and residential streets
   72.065   Operation of vehicles on snow emergency routes, designated arterial and residential streets
   72.066   Removal of parked, stalled or stuck vehicles
   72.067   Parallel parking during snow removal
   72.068   Windrows, removal of vehicles
   72.069   Obstruction of view of drivers
   72.070   Payment of fines and costs
Administration and Enforcement
   72.085   Violations Bureau
   72.086   Owner responsible
   72.087   Emergency vehicles
   72.088   Automobile impoundment
   72.089   Impoundment of motor vehicles for failure to pay parking tickets
   72.090   Account for fees collected
   72.999   Penalty
   (A)   The City Council may, by resolution, entirely prohibit or fix a limit for the parking and stopping of any vehicle on any street, road or district designated in the resolution. The parking or stopping of any vehicle on any such street, road or district for a period of time longer than is fixed by the resolution, shall constitute a violation of this chapter. During any one day, it shall be unlawful for any vehicle to be parked or to be consecutively parked and remain within the same block on the same street or road within the same district for a longer period of time than so designated for the street, road or district.
   (B)   When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than the posted time between the hours indicated thereon of any day, except Sundays and public holidays, within the city.
(Prior Code, § 72.01) (Ord. 98-27, passed 7-20-1998; Ord. 02-53, passed 10-7-2002) Penalty, see § 72.999