The Chief of Police is empowered to make and enforce temporary regulations in response to or during the course of an emergency.
(Prior Code, § 70.093) (Ord. 98-27, passed 7-20-1998)
Statutory reference:
Powers and duties of Nebraska State Patrol, see Neb. Rev. Stat. § 81-2005
(A) For any offense classified as a HANDICAPPED PARKING INFRACTION, which for purposes of this section shall mean the violation of any statute, ordinance or resolution of the state or city regulating the use of parking spaces designated for use by handicapped or disabled persons, a handicapped parking citation may be issued by any peace officer or by any person designated by ordinance of the city to exercise the authority to issue a citation for any handicapped parking infraction.
(B) The form of the handicapped parking citation to be used shall be that form as prescribed by the Supreme Court of the state, provided that should the Supreme Court fail to prescribe the form of the handicapped parking citation, then the handicapped parking citation to be used shall be as prescribed by the Police Department. The handicapped parking citation shall include a description of the handicapped parking infraction, the time and place at which the person cited is to appear, a warning that failure to appear in accordance with the command of the citation is a punishable offense and any other matters as the Supreme Court, or alternatively the Police Department, deems appropriate.
(C) When a handicapped parking citation is issued for a handicapped parking infraction, the person issuing the handicapped parking citation shall enter thereon all required information, including, but not limited to the name and address of the cited person, or if not known, the license number and description of the offending motor vehicle, the offense charged and the time and place the person cited is to appear in court.
(Prior Code, § 70.094) (Ord. 98-27, passed 7-20-1998)
(A) A pound for the impounding of automobiles and any other vehicles of any character is hereby created and is hereby designated as an “automobile pound.”
(B) The Chief of Police is hereby empowered and directed to locate the automobile pound where and as may seem appropriate for the purpose and as may be necessary to accommodate the vehicles impounded. The Chief of Police may change the location of the automobile pound whenever it appears to be necessary or desirable.
(Prior Code, § 70.095) (Ord. 98-27, passed 7-20-1998)
(A) Whenever any vehicle is found by a police officer parked or left standing on the roads, streets, highways or alleys of the city in violation of the provisions of this code, the police officer may remove and convey the vehicle, or may cause the vehicle to be removed and conveyed by means of towing or otherwise to the automobile pound.
(B) The vehicle shall not be discharged or removed from the pound except by payment by the owner, driver or operator of the vehicle of a fee as set by resolution, plus reasonable storage fees to the person in charge of the automobile pound.
(C) When the owner or driver of the vehicle so impounded presents himself or herself at the automobile pound to claim that owner or driver’s vehicle, it shall be the duty of the person in charge to inform the owner or driver of the nature and circumstances of the violation resulting in the impounding of the vehicle.
(1) If the owner or driver of any vehicle so impounded protests against the payment for the impounding and storage fee, the owner or driver shall receive from the person in charge of the automobile pound a receipt for the payment marked “paid under protest” but only if the owner or driver of the impounded vehicle executes an affidavit denying the facts upon which the impounding of the vehicle was based and protesting against the payment of the impounding and storage fees.
(2) It shall thereupon be the duty of the Chief of Police to forthwith make complaint in conformity with the provisions of this code, setting forth the factual circumstances which led to the impounding of the vehicle. If any such person is found not guilty by the court of a violation based upon the factual circumstances, it shall be the duty of the persons in charge of the automobile pound to refund to the person the fees so paid under protest.
(Prior Code, § 70.096) (Ord. 98-27, passed 7-20-1998)
It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to account for any fees collected by the Chief under the provisions of this title to the Finance Director, who shall place the same in the General Fund. The Chief of Police shall also keep a record of the name of the owner of all vehicles impounded, the number of their registration plates, the nature and circumstances of each violation involved and the disposition of the case.
(Prior Code, § 70.097) (Ord. 98-27, passed 7-20-1998)
It shall be unlawful for any person to disregard a summons or citation issued on account of a violation of any of the provisions of this title, or to fail to appear in court as directed by the summons or citation.
(Prior Code, § 70.098) (Ord. 98-27, passed 7-20-1998) Penalty, see § 70.999
Nothing in §§ 70.101 through 70.103 of this code shall be construed as superseding any other provisions of this title concerning the proper parking or operation of vehicles of any character in this city. In addition, the impounding of any vehicle and the collection of a fee therefor under § 70.101 of this code shall not prevent or preclude prosecution for the violations of any of the provisions of this title concerning the parking or operations of vehicles in the city.
(Prior Code, § 70.099) (Ord. 98-27, passed 7-20-1998) Penalty, see § 70.999