Any motor vehicle while in use on the roads, streets or alleys of the city shall be equipped with an efficient and audible warning device or horn, provided that no vehicle, except an ambulance or an authorized emergency vehicle, shall be equipped with a siren.
(Prior Code, § 70.046) (Ord. 98-27, passed 7-20-1998) Penalty, see § 70.999
It shall be unlawful for the driver or operator of any vehicle or motor vehicle to make, or allow to be made, any unnecessary noise with the vehicle’s warning device or horn or to use the same except as a warning signal.
(Prior Code, § 70.047) (Ord. 98-27, passed 7-20-1998) Penalty, see § 70.999
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle or trailer upon the roads, streets or alleys of the city from one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise without having a red taillight visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear of the vehicle.
(Prior Code, § 70.048) (Ord. 98-27, passed 7-20-1998) Penalty, see § 70.999
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any two-wheeled motor vehicle upon the roads, streets or alleys of the city from one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise, or at any other time when there is not sufficient light to render clearly discernible any person on the street at a distance of 500 feet ahead, without having one white-lighted headlight on the front of the vehicle.
(B) (1) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle upon the roads, streets or alleys of the city from one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise or at any other time when there is not sufficient light to render clearly discernible any person on the street at a distance of 500 feet ahead, without two lighted white headlights on the front thereof, one on each side.
(2) Headlights shall not project a glaring or dazzling light to persons in front of the headlights. Headlights shall be deemed as not causing a glaring or dazzling light if none of the main bright portion of the headlight beam on either side rises above a horizontal plane passing through the light centers, parallel to the level of the road upon which the loaded vehicle stands and in no case higher than 42 inches and 75 feet ahead of the vehicle.
(3) In all other respects, the headlights and any auxiliary lighting devices on the motor vehicle shall be maintained at all times in strict compliance with the laws of the state.
(Prior Code, § 70.049) (Ord. 98-27, passed 7-20-1998) Penalty, see § 70.999
(A) Any person operating a motor vehicle on any road, street or alley within the city shall dim the high beams of the vehicle’s headlights either upon the signal of another vehicle approaching from the opposite direction or before the approaching vehicle is within 500 feet so as not to blind or confuse the vision of the operator of the approaching vehicle.
(B) Any person operating a motor vehicle on any road, street or alley within the city shall, when following another vehicle, dim the high beams of the vehicle’s headlights within no less than 200 feet of the forward vehicle.
(Prior Code, § 70.050) (Ord. 98-27, passed 7-20-1998) Penalty, see § 70.999