   (A)   There shall be a service surcharge as set by resolution for all insufficient funds received from any consumer by the city.
   (B)   Upon such time that the consumer requests the remote reading device be relocated, for reasons such as remodeling, the city shall charge a sum as set by resolution for the removal and replacement of the remote reading device. The city will not be held responsible for the working condition of the remote reading device if the consumer does not make request upon the city to do the work of relocation. The city reserves the right to discontinue water or sewer service to said property for nonpayment of the above-mentioned fees.
(Prior Code, § 52.125) (Ord. 91-16, passed 4-1-1991; Ord. 03-40, passed 11-17-2003)
   The Director of Public Works shall have the authority to issue permits for the use of water for building and construction purposes. The regular charge shall be paid as though the water was taken by regular customer service.
(Prior Code, § 52.126) (Ord. 98-20, passed 6-1-1998; Ord. 03-40, passed 11-17-2003)
   (A)   Applicants for water shall be charged for expenses of tapping and for all service pipe and trenching from the main to which such applicant’s connection is to be made.
   (B)   If the connection is to be made to any water main(s), which have been laid and constructed in a water district or water extension district of the city, wherein special assessments have been levied upon the property in said district to pay all or any part of the cost of construction thereof, and the property to which said connection is made has not been assessed in said district, or if the connection is made to any water main(s) hereafter laid or constructed by the city without the levying of any special assessments for the construction thereof, the person desiring said connection shall pay the city a special connection charge as set by resolution. The aforesaid fees and charges shall be in addition to the other fees and charges provided for in this chapter. The special connection charge shall be paid only once with respect to said property; the lot facing the water main to which the person wishes to connect. Such connection charge shall be paid to the city at the time the application is filed.
(Prior Code, § 52.127) (Ord. 2696, passed 3-3-1980; Ord. 03-40, passed 11-17-2003)
   (A)   A special connection charge as set by resolution shall be paid to the city before any person or party shall make a connection to the public water system of the city outside the corporate limits of the city. This special connection charge shall be in addition to any other fees and charges provided for in this chapter and shall be applicable to each and every connection to the water system of the city outside the corporate limits of the city.
   (B)   Applicants for water shall be charged for expenses of tapping and for all service pipe and trenching from the main to which the applicant’s connection is to be made.
   (C)   (1)   If the connection is to be made to any water main or mains which have been laid and constructed in a water district or water extension district of the city wherein special assessments have been levied upon the property in the district to pay all or any part of the cost of construction, and the property to which the connection is made has not been assessed in the district, or if the connection is to be made to any water main or mains or laid or constructed by the city without the levying of any special assessments for the construction thereof, the person desiring the connection shall pay the city a special connection charge as set by resolution. The fees and charges shall be in addition to the other fees and charges provided for in this chapter. The special connection charge shall be paid only once with respect to the property.
      (2)   For the purposes of this section, FRONT FOOTAGE OF THE LOT is determined as the portion of the lot facing the water main to which the person wishes to connect. The connection charge shall be paid to the city at the time the application is filed.
(Prior Code, § 52.128) (Ord. 94-50, passed 9-6-1994; Ord. 03-40, passed 11-17-2003)