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   All major contributing industries proposing to directly or indirectly connect to or discharge wastes into the sanitary sewers shall obtain a state indirect discharge (SID) permit from the state before connecting to or discharging into these sewers.
(Prior Code, § 51.130) Penalty, see § 51.999
   Persons proposing to or who actually discharge industrial wastes which contain none of the prohibited ingredients or characteristics set forth in §§ 51.110 through 51.118 of this code, other than excessive concentrations of BOD5, suspended solids and grease, hydrogen sulfide or ammonia shall be required to pretreat their wastes to meet the requirements of normal strength wastewater with the exception that wastes may be accepted for treatment if all the following requirements are met:
   (A)   The wastes will not cause damage to the sanitary sewer system;
   (B)   The wastes will not impair the wastewater treatment process; and
   (C)   The discharger of the waste agrees to pay a surcharge over and above the published sewer rates when the waste strength exceeds that of normal strength wastewater.
(Prior Code, § 51.131) Penalty, see § 51.999
   (A)   When the City Engineer or Director of Public Works determines that any industrial waste will be harmful to the structures, treatment processes or operation of the wastewater treatment works, or detrimental to the wastewater treatment facility effluent, the person discharging the waste shall provide, at the person’s own expense, preliminary treatment or processing facilities as may be determined by the Director of Public Works as necessary to make the waste acceptable for admission to the public sanitary sewers.
   (B)   When the City Engineer or Director of Public Works determines that an industrial waste must be pretreated, the owner shall submit plans and specifications of the proposed pretreatment facilities to the City Engineer or Director of Public Works for review. After the plans and specifications are reviewed as approved, the owner shall proceed to provide pretreatment facilities. If the pretreatment facilities are completed according to the plans and specifications, and the owner provides a proper sewer connection permit from the plant to the sanitary sewers, the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy will issue the owner an industrial waste discharge permit authorizing such connection and permitting the owner to discharge waste into the sanitary sewers at the rate and in the quantity stated in the permit. The owner, at the owner’s expense, shall maintain these pretreatment facilities continuously in satisfactory and effective operation.
(Prior Code, § 51.132) (Ord. 03-39, passed 11-17-2003) Penalty, see § 51.999
   (A)   Persons requiring a discharge permit shall complete and file with the Department of Public Works an application in the form prescribed by the Director of Public Works and accompanied by applicable fees. Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the Director of Public Works, the applicant shall submit, in units and terms appropriate for evaluation, the following information:
      (1)   Name, address and standard industrial classification (SIC) number of applicant;
      (2)   Volume of waste to be discharged;
      (3)   Waste constituents and characteristics including BOD5, suspended solids, pH, biodegradable oils and grease, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and any others required by the Director of Public Works;
      (4)   Time and duration of discharge;
      (5)   Average and 30-minute peak waste flow rates, including daily, monthly and seasonal variations, if any;
      (6)   Ground plan or plat sufficient to indicate locations of building sewers, building drains, process waste sewers, monitoring facilities and pretreatment facilities with respect to buildings, property lines, streets, public sewers and industrial process facilities;
      (7)   Description of plant activities, facilities and processes, including all types of waste, which are or could be discharged;
      (8)   Each product produced by type, amount and rate of production when required to determine compliance with pretreatment standards;
      (9)   Number and type of employees and hours of work; and
      (10)   Any other information the Director of Public Works may feel is necessary to evaluate the permit application.
   (B)   The Department of Public Works will evaluate the data furnished and may require additional information. After evaluation of the data furnished, the Director of Public Works may issue a discharge permit subject to the terms and conditions of this chapter. Wastewater constituents and characteristics shall not be recognized as confidential information.
(Prior Code, § 51.133)
   (A)   Discharge permits may contain any or all of the following conditions and requirements:
      (1)   The average and maximum waste pollutant concentrations permitted to be discharged into the sanitary sewers;
      (2)   The maximum daily amounts of BOD5, suspended solids, biodegradable oils and grease, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia permitted to be discharged into the sanitary sewers;
      (3)   Limits on rate and time of discharge and requirements on flow regulations and equalization;
      (4)   Requirements for installation of inspection and sampling facilities;
      (5)   Pretreatment requirements;
      (6)   Specifications for monitoring programs, which may include sampling locations, frequency and methods of sampling and the number, types and standards for tests and reporting schedule;
      (7)   Requirements for submission of technical reports or discharge reports; and
      (8)   Requirements for maintaining plant records relating to waste discharges as specified by the Director of Public Works and making the records available to the Department of Public Works.
   (B)   The Director may determine any additional requirements as needed.
(Prior Code, § 51.134)
   (A)   Permits shall be issued for a specified period of time but in no event shall a permit extend beyond three years from the date of issuance. Thirty days prior to the expiration of the permit, the owner shall apply to the Department of Public Works for a renewal of the permit.
   (B)   (1)   The owner shall be notified in writing of any proposed changes in the permit at least 30 days prior to the effective date of change. The notice shall include a specified time schedule for compliance.
      (2)   This time schedule shall be based on practical delivery and construction time requirements and shall become part of the permit.
(Prior Code, § 51.135)
   Waste discharge permits are issued to a specific owner for a specific operation. A waste discharge permit shall not be reassigned, transferred or sold to a new owner. A waste discharge permit shall not be transferred to a new or significantly changed operation.
(Prior Code, § 51.136) Penalty, see § 51.999