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   The Director of Finance shall be the fiscal officer of the Municipality. He shall keep the financial records of the Municipality, exhibiting accurate statements of all monies received and expended, of all property owned by the Municipality, and of all taxes and assessments. He shall advise the Manager and the Council concerning the financial condition of the Municipality and shall examine all payrolls, bills and other claims against the Municipality and shall issue no warrants unless he finds that the claim is in proper form, correctly computed, duly approved and that an appropriation has been made therefor. He shall collect all money due and payable to the Municipality and shall be the custodian of all public money of the Municipality and shall disburse the same as may be required by law or ordinance. He shall render statements to and receive payments from the customers of the utilities operated by the Municipality, and shall administer and collect all taxes levied by the Municipality, except those taxes where the laws of the State of Ohio require a County or State official to administer and collect the tax. This section shall not be construed to prevent the Council from entering into or authorizing contracts with other municipal corporations, the State of Ohio or its political subdivisions, or private persons, firms or corporations, for the rendering of statements to and receipt of payments from customers of utilities operated by the Municipality or for the administration and collection of taxes. He shall examine and audit the accounts of all other officers, employees, departments, boards and commissions, and shall assist the Manager in the preparation and submission of appropriation measures, estimates, budgets and other financial matters. He shall perform all other duties now or hereafter imposed on City Auditors and Treasurers under the laws of the State of Ohio and shall perform such other duties, consistent with his office, as may be required by this Charter, by ordinance or resolution of Council, or as directed by the Manager.
   The Director of Finance shall prepare annual financial and other reports required by law and shall make periodic reports concerning appropriations, encumbrances and expenditures of the departments, divisions, boards, and commissions as may be required by the Council or the Manager. He shall submit to the Council and the Manager, and make available to the public, a complete report on the finances of the Municipality as of the end of each fiscal year.
   The Manager shall serve as the head of the department to Public Service, unless the Council shall, by a majority vote of its members, create the position of Service Director. If such position is created, the Service Director shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Manager. The Service Director may hold any other administrative office or position of employment with the Municipality, except he shall not act as the Municipal Attorney. If a separate position of Service Director is created by the Council, such separate position may be abolished by a majority vote of the members of the Council, in which event the Manager shall become the Service Director until such a separate position in the manner hereinbefore provided. The Service Director, or the Manager, if the separate position of Service Director has not been provided by all divisions, offices, bureaus or agencies within the Department of Public Service.
   The following divisions are established under the Department of Public Service:
   a.   Division of Water, to be headed by a superintendent.
   b.   Division of Wastewater, to be headed by a superintendent.
   c.   Division of Streets, to be headed by a superintendent.
   d.   Division of Cemeteries and Parks, to be headed by a superintendent.
   e.   Division of Light and Power, to be headed by a superintendent.
   f.   Such other divisions or bureaus as may be authorized by the Council by ordinance. One (1) person may serve as the head of any number of divisions.
(Amended Nov. 6, 2001)
   The Director of Public Safety shall be the head of the Department of Public Safety.
   The Manager, in addition to his other duties, shall be, and shall perform the duties of, the Director of Public Safety, until such time as Council may determine that it is in the best interest of the Municipality to appoint some other person to that office. Upon making such determination, the Council shall declare the office of Director of Public Safety vacant, and the Director of Public Safety shall then be appointed by the Manager with confirmation by Council.
   The Director of Public Safety shall be the head of the Police and Fire Departments and shall be responsible for the enforcement of all police, fire, health and safety regulations that may be prescribed by resolutions and ordinances of the Municipality, or laws of Ohio.
   The Police Department shall consist of a Chief of Police and such other officers, patrolmen, and personnel as the Director of Public Safety shall deem advisable. The Chief of Police and all officers, patrolmen, and personnel shall be appointed by the Director of Public Safety, subject to approval of the Manager and Council, and when applicable the civil service provisions of this Charter. As otherwise more fully set out in the Charter, at the time the civil service provisions of this Charter go into effect, all members of the Police Department who have served their six (6) months probationary period and an additional period of not less than ninety (90) days, shall be automatically placed under the applicable civil service provisions in the appropriate category and classification, without being required to take an examination for the position held at that time. Until such time as the civil service provisions of this Charter are put into effect, all members of the Police Department shall have tenure in accordance with the applicable statutes of the Revised Code of Ohio, now or hereinafter in effect concerning tenure of police officers in a village, and the removal of any police officer during this period shall be accomplished in accordance with the applicable statutes of the Revised Code of Ohio concerned with the removal of police officers in a village, provided that the Village Manager, rather than the Mayor, shall bear the responsibility of filing with the Council the written charges against such police officer.
(Amended Nov. 2, 1976)
   At the present time, the Municipality is protected by the Volunteer Fire Department of Columbiana. The Fire Chief and other officers are elected by the members of the Fire Department. This arrangement shall continue under the Charter unless changed, abrogated or cancelled by the Constitution or laws of the State of Ohio, or by ordinance passed by Council of this Municipality. If any of the above conditions should come to pass, then there shall be set up automatically a Municipal Fire Department as follows: The Fire Department shall consist of a Fire Chief and such other officers, firemen and personnel as the Director of Public Safety shall deem advisable, and the Fire Chief and all other officers, firemen, and personnel shall be appointed by the Director of Public Safety, subject to the approval of the Manager and Council, and when applicable the civil service provisions of this Charter. Until the civil service provisions of this Charter are put into effect, if a Fire Department shall be set up, as above noted, the members thereof shall have tenure, all as set out in the statutes of the Revised Code of Ohio providing for tenure for members of a village fire department. A member of the Fire Department may, during this period, be removed pursuant to the procedures set up in the Revised Code of Ohio for the removal of members of village fire departments, provided that the Village Manager shall bear the responsibility for filing the written charges against such member whereby said removal procedures are initiated. Whenever the applicable civil service provisions of this Charter become operative, all members of the Fire Department who have served their six (6) months probationary period and an additional period of not less than ninety (90) days, shall be automatically placed under the applicable civil service provisions in the appropriate category and classification, without being required to take an examination for the position held at that time.
(Amended Nov. 2, 1976)
   The Manager shall make and publish, with the approval of Council, written rules for the government of the Police and Fire Departments, and the conduct and discipline of members thereof.