(a)   A description of the post-construction BMP's that will be installed during construction for the site and the rationale for their selection in protection of channels from erosion and pollution prevention from sediment deposition must be provided. All pond designs must provide a minimum one foot of freeboard. When designing storm water ponds, the applicant must consider public safety as a design factor for the pond and alternative designs must be implemented where site limitations would preclude a safe design.
   (b)   Maintenance plans shall be provided for all post-construction BMP's. Maintenance plans shall be provided by the permittee to the post-construction operator of the site upon completion of construction activities and should be included in the inspection and maintenance agreement. All storm water management facilities shall be cleaned and maintained such that the full water quality volume is available and that the facility functions as designed.
(Ord. 15-O-2820, passed 5-19-2015)