§ 1045.08 OVERVIEW.
   (a)   Post-construction runoff controls are permanent controls which are intended and shall be designed to improve or maintain a receiving stream's physical, chemical and biological characteristics. In addition, stream functions are maintained and post-construction storm water practices shall provide continued management of both quality and quantity facilities.
   (b)   Detailed drawings and maintenance plans shall be provided for all post-construction Best Management Practices (BMP's). BMP's included in Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Rainwater and Land Development Manual (latest edition) shall be considered to be the city's standards. Maintenance plans shall also be provided by the permittee to the post-construction operator of the site (including homeowner associations). The use of innovative and/or emerging storm water management post-construction technologies shall be at the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Department. The post-construction portion of the storm water management plan shall include the following required elements:
      (1)   Description of post-construction BMP's to be installed during construction. Description shall include estimated installation schedule and sequencing plan.
      (2)   Rationale for selection shall incorporate anticipated impacts on the channel and flood plain, morphology, hydrology and water quality.
      (3)   Detailed post-construction BMP drawings shall be provided.
      (4)   BMP maintenance plan shall be developed for all BMP's selected and presented to post-construction operator.
      (5)   Maintenance plan shall include a disposal statement for structural BMP's. Ensure pollutants collected within structural BMP's are disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.
      (6)   Linear projects: Linear projects, such as utility line installations with no net increase in impervious areas, do not need to comply with OEPA's General Permit. Linear projects must minimize number of stream crossings and width of disturbance. Construction erosion and sedimentation controls are required for all projects, see storm water pollution prevention regulations. Linear projects shall be required to document land disturbance area estimates and develop an erosion/sedimentation control plan.
(Ord. 15-O-2820, passed 5-19-2015)