(a)   The policies contained herein outline the requirements for a storm water management report. Not all of the sections of this outline may apply to a proposed development. Applicable sections will depend on the size of the proposed development, the existing site conditions, and the proposed land use of the development.
   (b)   These guidelines shall not limit the right of the city to impose at any time additional, more stringent requirements based on the site circumstances. Nor, shall these guidelines limit the right of the city to waive, in writing, individual requirements based on the site circumstances.
   (c)   The storm water management report (SWMR) should be submitted with the site plan for commercial, institutional and industrial sites, and the SWMR should be submitted with the construction drawings for condominium developments, planned developments and subdivisions.
   (d)   The SWMR should contain a description of the existing conditions on site, land usage, ground cover conditions, soil types, etc. The SWMR should explain the proposed improvements and the intent of the storm water management measures being proposed. The SWMR should provide maps and drawings, as necessary, to support the report's calculations. The SWMR should verify that the information contained on such maps and drawings corresponds to the information provided in the rest of the SWMR.
   (e)   As a minimum general requirement, the proposed storm water management measures shall be designed such that the runoff from the site shall not flood existing or proposed structures, cause the loss of property, endanger individuals, or cause the loss of life.
(Ord. 15-O-2820, passed 5-19-2015)