§ 1262.10 RECORDS.
   (a)   Permanent records of all applications, fees, bonds, certificates, plans, meetings, notices, hearings, special studies, amendments and other activities and actions conducted in the administration and enforcement of this Zoning Code shall be maintained in municipality offices and available to the public.
   (b)   A list of nonconforming uses, as prescribed in §§ 1296.02 through 1296.15, shall be prepared and maintained in municipality offices.
   (c)   An original or master copy of this Zoning Code shall be retained in municipality offices, maintained current with amendments and be available to the public. All revisions or amendments shall be incorporated into the original master text within two weeks from the effective date of the enacting ordinance. Copies of each amendment set forth in the enacting ordinance shall be attached as a permanent appendage to the original master text.
   (d)   The original or master of the Zoning Districts Map shall be retained in municipality offices, maintained current with amendments and be available to the public. All revisions or amendments shall be incorporated on the original master Map within two weeks from the effective date of the enacting ordinance. The boundary lines of each zoning change shall be described as shown on the original master Map.
(Ord. 74-O-128, passed 10-17-1974)