(a)   Notice of work required. A service provider shall provide the city with notice of work in the public right-of-way, including routine maintenance, new service orders and emergency work, under the following circumstances. Notice shall be given in the manner determined by the City Manager.
      (1)   Notice of excavation in the public right-of-way.
         A.   A service provider shall provide the City Manager with notice no later than 48 hours after commencing any excavation (including installation of a pole) in the public right-of-way.
         B.   A service provider shall notify the Ohio utility protection service ("OUPS") in advance of any excavation of the public right-of-way in accordance with Ohio law and OUPS regulations.
      (2)   Notice of lane obstruction or closing of a public street.
         A.   Lane obstruction. For routine maintenance and new service orders that require the service provider to cause a lane obstruction such that two vehicles may not pass in opposite directions at the site of the lane obstruction the service provider shall provide the Police Department with three hours advance notice prior to commencing such work, to the extent reasonably practicable, and shall maintain traffic in compliance with the ODOT Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices or other applicable ODOT regulations.
         B.   Closing of a public street. For routine maintenance and new service orders that require the service provider to close any public street, the service provider shall provide the City Manager and the Police Department with 48 hours advance notice prior to commencing such work, and shall maintain traffic in compliance with the ODOT Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices or other applicable ODOT regulations.
      (3)   Notice of extension of overhead facilities. For the relocation or replacement of more than 1000 lineal feet of a service provider's existing overhead facilities in the public right-of-way, the service provider shall provide the City Manager with twenty-four (24) hours advance notice.
      (4)   Emergency work. In the event of the need for any unexpected repair or emergency work, a service provider may commence such emergency response work as required under the circumstances, provided that for emergency work that requires excavation of a public right-of-way or lane obstruction or closing of a public street, the service provider shall notify the City Manager as promptly as possible before commencing such emergency work, or as soon as possible thereafter if advance notice is not practicable.
   (b)   No notice of work required: routine maintenance and new service orders.
      (1)   A service provider need not provide the city with notice, or obtain a construction permit, prior to or after commencing routine maintenance or new service orders that do not include excavation of a public right-of-way, a lane obstruction described in § 1050.07(a)(2)(a) above, the closing of a public street, or extension of overhead facilities described in § 1050.07(a)(3).
      (2)   A service provider performing routine maintenance, new service orders or emergency work shall otherwise comply with the requirements of this chapter.
(Ord. 08-O-2455, passed 3-18-2008)