(a)   Owners of dwellings abutting newly installed mains may request a transfer of the connection to the new main by making an application therefor to the Division of Water and Sewer.
   (b)   A resident, whether he or she is the owner or lessee, shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of all water lines and appurtenances thereto located upon the property concerned. Such maintenance and repair work shall be construed to include the prompt repair and elimination of any water leaks. The costs of any change, replacement or repair is the responsibility of the resident of such property and the municipality shall in no way be obligated for any portion of such costs.
   (c)   The municipality is in no way obligated to furnish water to any location where there is an unmetered leakage or usage of water, except as provided in this section. If, in the opinion of the Manager, adequate and prompt corrective action is not being taken where such unmetered water leakage or usage is present, water service to the location shall be discontinued. “Unmetered water,” as used in this section, means such water as is not metered and recorded by a meter installed for the measurement of the quantity of water furnished only to the property or residence involved.
   (d)   Every consumer of water shall afford the Division of Water and Sewer and any person acting under the direction and authority of the Division or Council free access to any water meter used by such consumer.
   (e)   If a meter is defective and the seal is intact, the consumer shall be billed an estimated charge based on the previous usage or the minimum charge, whichever is higher.
   (f)   If a consumer questions the usage registered on the meter assigned to his or her location, the consumer may request that a test be made to prove that the meter is not functioning properly. The charge for the testing of a meter is twenty five dollars ($25.00), payable on the following water bill. If the meter tested indicates a discrepancy of more than 2%, adjustments to bills shall be made accordingly and the service meter replaced.
(Ord. 74-O-78, passed 2-19-1974)