(a)   No person shall connect a residential, commercial or industrial building to the city water system in any street, alley, easement or other public right-of-way without first obtaining a written permit therefor from the Department of Water and Sewer. The Department is hereby authorized to grant such permits and to exact fees therefor in accordance with this chapter.
   (b)   The fee to be charged for a permit to connect a single family residential building by way of a water line which shall be not less than three-fourths inches in diameter to any water line shall be two thousand one hundred dollars ($2,100.00), together with one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each additional one-fourth inch over and above the aforesaid three-fourths inch minimum diameter of the connecting waterline. In addition to the payment of the permit fee, the person desiring such connection shall furnish all materials, supplies and labor for the connection from the building, to the curb box at the sole cost of such person.
   (c)   The fee to be charged for a permit to connect each unit of a multi-family residential building, including a condominium building, by means of a water line which shall be not less than three-fourths inch in diameter to any existing water main shall be two thousand one hundred dollars ($2,100.00), together with one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each additional one-fourth inch over and above the three-fourths inch minimum diameter of the connecting water line. The size of the connecting water line for four or more units shall be determined by the City Water Department. In addition to the payment of the permit fee, the person desiring such connection shall furnish all materials, supplies and labor for the connection from the building to the curb box at the sole cost of such person.
   (d)   The fee to be changed for a permit to connect any commercial or industrial user by way of a water line which shall be not less than one inch in diameter to any existing water main shall be two thousand two hundred dollars ($2,200.00), together with one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each additional one-fourth inch beyond the one inch diameter of connecting water line. In addition to the payment of the permit fee, the person desiring such connection shall furnish all materials, supplies and labor from the building to the curb box at the sole cost of such person, excluding the water meter and remote read-out device for which such person shall pay the City of Columbiana the cost of such meter and remote read-out device plus 20%.
(Ord. 99-O-1723, passed 1-5-1999; Ord. 04-O-2155, passed 12-7-2004)