Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following terms, as used in this article, shall have the meanings hereinafter designated:
ARTICLE OR THIS ARTICLE: Chapter 12, article 3 of this Code of the City of Colorado Springs.
CUSTOMER: The person, authorized agent or employee of the person responsible for the Utilities' gas service account for the premises being served.
DISTRIBUTION LINE: A pipe transporting natural gas, high or low pressure, which is used for the purpose of general distribution of natural gas to users.
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: That portion of the natural gas system which is used primarily for the distribution of natural gas to the user.
END USE APPLIANCE: The appliance, equipment, machine or apparatus owned by an owner, user, customer or person in possession of premises served by the natural gas distribution system which burns or otherwise consumes or utilizes natural gas, and includes, but is not limited to, furnaces, heaters, ovens, stoves, dryers, fireplaces, grills, industrial and manufacturing equipment, water heaters and similar appliances, machines and equipment.
FUEL PIPING: The piping downstream of the Utilities' meter set, which is owned and maintained by the owner of the premises being served.
MAIN LINE: A distribution line that serves as a common source of supply for more than one service line.
MASTER METER SYSTEM: Any system of distributing gas whereby an owner buys metered gas from the Utilities then distributes and sells the gas through the owner's own underground piping system to the ultimate user.
METER SET: Utilities' piping, fittings, service regulator, service meter, associated equipment, and instruments installed downstream of the service riser shutoff valve and upstream of the connection to the owner's fuel piping.
NATURAL GAS: Any fuel consisting in whole or in part of natural gas or synthetic natural gas derived from petroleum liquids, coal, organic wastes, etc.
OWNER: The person who holds record title to the premises being served.
PERSON IN POSSESSION: Any and all persons, corporations, or other entities that have any right of possession or occupancy to premises served by the natural gas distribution system of the City or who are in actual possession of the premises and includes, but is not limited to, tenants, lessees, sublessees, vendees, licensees and guests.
RED TAG: The red tag shutoff notice and the red tag repair report form which is issued when natural gas is shut off downstream of the meter due to unsafe conditions.
RED TAGGED: The process of issuing a red tag shutoff notice and the red tag repair report form.
SERVICE LINE: A distribution line that transports natural gas from a main line to a gas department meter set.
SERVICE STUB: That portion of the service line which extends from the main line to the owner's property line, or to the City's utility easement line, whichever is appropriate.
USER: Any person who uses, consumes natural gas from or is connected to the natural gas supply system. A user may also be an owner, customer, or neither.
UTILITY SERVICE INSTALLER: Any natural person licensed by Utilities to install natural gas service lines. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 06-241)
A. The use or connection to the natural gas supply system of the City by any person except a public utility shall be subject to one or more of the following as applicable:
1. All ordinances and resolutions of the City;
2. The provisions of the currently effective tariff sheets governing natural gas service for the various classes, including regulations set forth herein;
3. The most current edition of relevant service standards and specifications;
4. Applicable provisions of the United States Department of Transportation as published in the Federal register concerning natural gas; and
5. Applicable provisions of the Mechanical Code as adopted by the Pikes Peak Regional Building Department 1 .
B. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict amount or between any of the foregoing sources of regulation, precedence shall be given in the order in which the sources of regulation are set out herein.
C. Where the PUC retains jurisdiction of a utility matter, applicable decisions or rules of the PUC shall take precedence over the sources of regulations set out herein. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 05-135)
1 | 1. See the City's Zoning Code, chapter 7 of this Code. |