All unit drainage fees paid to the City or other revenue received by the City for the construction of drainage facilities under the Subdivision Standards of the UDC shall be placed in the subdivision storm drainage fund. Fees and revenue from each drainage basin shall be segregated in a subfund within the subdivision storm drainage fund. Fund monies shall be administered as provided in the City's Subdivision Code. (Ord. 11-18; Ord. 23-17 1 )
1 | 2. June 5, 2023 is the effective date of Ordinance 23-17. |
A. The proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay and turn over to the Pikes Peak Regional District Library all income, payments and benefits accruing from the Willard B. Perkins trust, the Margaret P. Woods trust and the Paul Sabine memorial trust.
B. The provisions of this part are effective until the participation of the City in the Pikes Peak Regional District Library program is officially terminated. (Ord. 11-18)