General Provisions
53.01 Definitions
Responsibility of Department
53.10 Gas Department
53.11 Responsibility of Twin Town Power and Gas Board
53.12 Rules and regulations
Regulation of Gas Service
53.20 General
53.21 Service agreements
53.22 Billing and deposits
53.23 Priority of regulations
53.24 Special service contract
Connection and Installation of System
53.30 Connection to system
53.31 Unauthorized connection prohibited
53.32 Unauthorized connection; recovery of user charges
53.33 Main lines installation
53.34 Service lines; installation and fitter certification
53.35 Excavations for service
53.36 Extension and installation; conformance with rules and regulations
53.37 Customer responsibility
53.38 Relocation of Department facilities at customer's request
Gas Meters and Regulations
53.50 Supplying and taking of service
53.51 Multiple meter loops; marking required
53.52 Master meters
53.53 Unlawful acts
53.54 Evidence of violations
53.55 Interruption of service on account of tampering, bypassing or unauthorized metering
53.56 Reconnection charges for tampering, bypassing or unauthorized metering
Control and Protection of Gas System
53.70 Unlawful to damage system
53.71 Prosecution and restitution
53.72 Disconnection for unsafe condition
53.73 Liability of town; exclusion of
53.99 Penalty