General Provisions
153.001 Name
153.002 Purpose
153.003 Definitions
153.004 Rules of construction
153.005 Scope and interpretation
153.006 Lot provisions
153.007 Nonconforming uses and structures
153.008 Home occupations
153.009 Single-family dwelling requirements
153.010 Temporary dwellings
153.011 Street access required
153.012 Driveway and parking lot improvements
153.013 Public utilities required
153.014 Abandoned vehicles
153.015 Relocated buildings or structures
153.016 Accessory structures
153.017 Site plan review required
153.018 Structure setback provisions
Zoning Districts/Use Regulations
153.030 Establishment of districts
153.031 Zoning map
153.032 Interpretation of the zoning map
153.033 A Agriculture
153.034 R-1 Single-family Detached Residential District
153.035 R-2 Single-family Attached Residential District
153.036 R-3 Multiple-family Residential District
153.037 PUD Planned Unit Development
153.038 C-1 Convenience Commercial District
153.039 C-2 Central Business District
153.040 C-3 General Commercial District
153.041 I-1 Industrial Park District
153.042 P/I Public/Industrial District
153.043 Dimensional standards
153.044 Parking requirements
153.045 DO Downtown Overlay District
153.046 SL Shoreland Overlay District
153.047 Temporary Family Health Care Dwellings opt out
Performance Standards
153.060 On-site sewage treatment standards
153.061 Odors and emissions
153.062 Dust and particulates
153.063 Noise and vibrations
153.064 Glare
153.065 Waste
153.066 Explosives
153.067 Burning
153.068 Bulk storage
153.069 Outside storage
153.070 Surface water management
153.071 Wetland protection and management
153.072 Woodland preservation
153.073 Erosion and sedimentation control
153.074 Seasonal mineral extraction
153.075 Landscaping
153.076 Fencing
153.077 Sign regulations
Administration and Enforcement
153.090 Variances
153.091 Amendments, procedure
153.092 Interim uses
153.093 Fees and licensing
153.999 Penalty
Appendix A: Privacy fence location
Appendix B: Decorative fences
Appendix C: Zoning map
Appendix D: Public hearing application form
Appendix E: The Village at Cologne PUD
Appendix F: Front elevation requirements
Appendix G: The Village Market PUD standards
Editors’ note:
This chapter incorporates amendments from the following ordinances: 150A, 150B, 150C, 150 D, 150E, 150F, 150G, 150H, 150I, 150J, 150K, 150L, 150M, 150N, and 150O. The final update was made in March 2007.