A.   Permitted Uses:
      1.   Permitted uses in The Village Market PUD include those permitted uses described for Residential/Commercial Mixed Use PUDs in § 153.037(C) and the following additional permitted uses:
         a.   Retails sales and service.
         b.   Professional offices, banks, and financial institutions.
         c.   Neighborhood medical clinic.
         d.   Fitness centers.
   B.   Exceptions to Dimensional Standards:
      All permitted commercial structures within The Village Market PUD shall be setback a minimum of 30 feet from public rights-of-way and properties abutting The Village Market PUD. The minimum separation between commercial structures shall be 20 feet. There shall be no other minimum structure setbacks from private property lines or common areas within the PUD.
   C.   Architectural and Site Design Standards:
      1.   Site plan approval by the city is required for all commercial buildings.
      2.   All exterior building materials shall be of high quality and constructed of durable materials. Exterior surfaces of all walls facing public streets and/or residences shall be face brick, stone, glass, stucco (or similar), architecturally enhanced concrete panels, or decorative block. Painted block is prohibited.
      3.   All roof mounted equipment shall be screened by parapet or roof forms or painted to match the exterior of the building. Wood and metal enclosures on the roof shall be prohibited. Ground mounted equipment must be screened by walls designed and located to be aesthetically harmonious and compatible with the principal building on the lot. Materials for screening walls shall be of the same materials as the principal structure.
      4.   The exterior design of the buildings shall have varied and interesting detailing. Large unadorned walls shall be prohibited. All large wall areas must be relieved by architectural detailing, such as change in materials, change in color, offsets, or other significant visual relief provided in a manner or at intervals in keeping with the size, mass, and scale of the wall and its views from public rights-of-way.
      5.   Trash and recycling storage areas shall be designed within an enclosure designed to match the principal building or located within a structure.
      6.   Exterior elevations of all sides of a proposed building noting the material and color of each component shall be submitted with the site plan for determination of compliance with the above requirements.
      7.   Landscape screening or building design measures shall be required to minimize and limit the visual impact of loading areas from customer access points and public rights-of-way.
      8.   Exterior lighting shall be consistent throughout the development.
   D.   Landscaping and Lighting:
      1.   Landscaping for the parkways, berms an public medians shall be consistent with the landscape elements shown in the The Village of Cologne booklet dated October 12, 2004, “composite” plans, dated November 3, 2004, Preliminary Landscape Plans, dated February 25, 2005, and the The Village Market Phase I Landscaping, dated August 15, 2005.
      2.   Final landscape plans consistent with city requirements shall be submitted for the commercial buildings at the time of time of final platting and site plan review.
      3.   Boulevard trees shall be planted along both sides of the parkway. The trees shall be planted at a minimum of 80 feet on-center.
      4.   The periphery of all parking lots shall be landscaped and screened to minimize off-site reviews of large parking areas.
      5.   Exterior lighting shall be consistent throughout the development.
   E.   Sign Standards:
      1.   Number of Allowed Signs:
         Each tenant shall be entitled to one wall sign on the building elevation facing the parking lot and an additional wall sign on the elevation facing a public street. A tenant occupying all of a free-standing building shall be entitled to a maximum of three signs on any of the four wall elevations.
      2.   Type of Signs:
         All signs shall consist of individual dimensional letters and be backlit or halo lighted if illuminated. Sign cans and dimensional letters attached to a raceway are prohibited. Exception to sign cans may be made, in Hans Hagen Home’s sole discretion, in cases involving logos or limited portions of the sign.
      3.   Size of Signs for Tenants in Professional Building:
         •   The maximum height of any sign, measured from the top of any ascender to the bottom of any descender, shall not exceed 24 inches.
         •   Multiple rows are not to exceed 24 inches in total height, including spaces.
         •   Maximum size of any individual letter shall not exceed 32 inches. Minimum letter size is eight inches.
         •   Minimum stroke is one inch.
         •   Total horizontal measurement shall not exceed 75% of the lease space width on spaces up to 30 feet in width. On spaces greater than 30 feet in width, sign width shall be determined on a case by case basis.
         •   Total area of sign(s) shall in no even exceed 7% of the tenant’s wall area.
      4.   Size of Signs for Tenants in Multi-Tenant Retail Buildings:
         •   The maximum height of any sign, measured from the top of any ascender to the bottom of any descender, shall not exceed 40 inches.
         •   Multiple rows are not to exceed 40 inches in total height, including spaces.
         •   Maximum size of any individual letter shall not exceed 36 inches. Minimum letter size is ten inches.
         •   Minimum stroke is 1-1/2 inches.
         •   Total horizontal measurement shall not exceed 75% of the lease space width on spaces up to 30 feet in width. On spaces greater than 30 feet in width, sign width shall be determined on a case by case basis.
         •   Total area of sign(s) shall in no event exceed 7% of the tenant’s wall area. Tenants with only one exterior wall shall be allowed 10% coverage.
         •   In addition to the above, one projecting sign that is architecturally compatible with the building may be approved by the Hans Hagen Homes at its sole discretion.
      5.   Size of Signs for Tenants Occupying All of a Free-Standing Building:
         •   The maximum height of any sign, measured from the top of any ascender to the bottom of any descender, shall not exceed 48 inches.
         •   Multiple rows are not to exceed 48 inches in total height, including spaces.
         •   Maximum size of any individual letter shall not exceed 36 inches. Minimum letter size is ten inches.
         •   Minimum letter stroke is 1-1/2 inches.
         •   Total area of sign(s) shall in no event exceed 7% of the tenant’s wall area.
      6.   Size of Signs for Grocery Store Tenants:
         •   The maximum height of any sign, measured from the top of any ascender to the bottom of any descender, shall not exceed 156 inches.
         •   Multiple rows are not to exceed 156 inches in total height, including spaces.
         •   Maximum size of any individual letter shall not exceed 114 inches. Minimum letter size is 18 inches.
         •   Minimum stroke is 1-1/2 inches.
         •   Total area of sign(s) shall in no event exceed 7% of the tenant’s wall area. Tenants with only one exterior wall shall be allowed 10% coverage.
         •   Major signage areas of grocer tenant shall not exceed 430 square feet of 7% of the elevation, whichever is greater.
         •   Secondary signage for other tenants within the grocery building shall not exceed 250 square feet or 3% of the facade, whichever is greater.
      7.   Measurement of Signs:
         Wall Area: For purposes of these criteria, tenant’s wall area shall be the sum of the areas of all exterior facades of the tenant’s premises, measured from the ground to the top of the parapet and to the centers fo the two demising walls. For an in-line tenant, this will be the sum of the area of the front, rear, and any exterior side wall. For an end cap tenant, this will be the sum of the area of the front, rear, and any exterior side wall. For a freestanding building, this will be the area of all four exterior wall facades.
         Sign Area: Signs shall be measured by the sum of the areas of the rectangle(s) enclosing the individual words in the sign, ignoring any ascenders or descenders.
      8.   Style of Signs:
         To be approved by Hans Hagen Homes on a case by case basis.
      9.   Colors and Materials of Signs:
         To be approved by Hans Hagen Homes on a case by case basis.
      10.   Placement of Signs:
         Centered horizontally and vertically, subject to Hans Hagen Homes modification based on building design and location of adjacent signs.
      11.   Mounting of Signs:
         Mounted flush to the surface with non-corrosive fasteners with no exposed connections and no exposed raceways. Final electrical hook-up shall be performed by a licensed electrician.
      12.   Approval of Signs:
         Three sets of scaled drawings of the sign must be submitted to Hans Hagen Homes for review. The drawings shall include and elevation indicating placement of the sign, cross-section indicating construction and installation of the sign and shall otherwise indicate complete conformance with this criteria. Upon approval of the sign by Hans Hagen Homes, the tenant shall apply for City of Cologne Planning Commission approval. No sign shall be fabricated or installed unless and until tenant has obtained all necessary city approvals.
      13.   Address Signs:
         Tenants are required to identify their front entrance and rear delivery door with their address number in three-inch decals. The rear delivery door shall also contain the tenant’s name. Number and letter style is restricted to standard block. Letters shall be white reflective. Decals shall be centered on the door.
      14.   Gas Station Monument Sign:
         Maximum height 20 feet, but no greater than ten feet as measured from the grade of the intersection of Village Parkway and CSAH 53; 80 square feet maximum signage area. Backlit acrylic sign panels (changeable for prices.) Architecturally designed dot match primary materials and details of center.
      15.   Project Monument Sign (Hwy. 53 and 212):
         Maximum height eight feet (measured from proposed grade.) Ninety-seven square feet of signage area (neighborhood/center identification only - no tenant identification.) Architecturally designed to be an integral part of pond improvements.
      16.   Project Monument Signs (Hwy. 53 and Village Parkway):
         Two monuments north and south of the parkway and west of Highway 53 to identify the entrance to the center. Maximum height eight feet (measured from proposed grade.) Sixty-four square feet of signage area (neighborhood/center identification only - no tenant identification.)
      17.   Multi-Tenant Monument Sign (commercial entrance west of round about):
         Maximum height ten feet. Ninety-seven square feet of signage area. Pre-finished aluminum sign panels with backlit letters for multiple tenants. Architecturally designed to match materials and color of center.
      18.   Multi-Tenant Monument/Electronic Message Sign (Hwy. 212):
         Maximum height 37 feet above grad (top of sign area is approximately 26 feet above Hwy. 212 surface elevation.) Minimum property line setback is ten feet. One hundred and sixty square feet of total sign area, including 60 square feet of electronic messaging display. The electronic display background color tones, lettering, logos, pictures, illustrations, symbols, and any other graphic presentation shall not blink, flash, rotate, scroll, change in illumination intensity, or otherwise change in outward appearance, except when the electronic message or display is changed to another message or display. Background color tones, lettering, logos, pictures, illustrations, symbols, and any other electronic display shall not change more than four times per hour or at intervals less than 15 minutes. The sign structure shall be architecturally designed to match the color and materials of the Village Market Center, including brick and cultured stone.
   F.   Parking Standards:
      The Village Market PUD includes eight commercial buildings totaling approximately 108,400 square feet of building floor area. Individually, the commercial buildings would require 689 parking spaces under current zoning requirements. The Village Market PUD site plan allows for shared parking centered between all buildings via common areas and access easements over the site. Shared usage of central parking is complementary to businesses which have offsetting day time or evening peak hour clientele. As a result of this concept, the minimum number of parking spaces required in The Village Market PUD is reduced to 561 parking spaces.
      Minimum parking lot design shall include minimum nine feet by 18 feet stalls and minimum 24 feet wide access drives and aisles between parking stalls. The parking area serving The Village Market may be constructed in phases as individual buildings are constructed; except that, when the grocery store is constructed the entire parking area and drives must be completed.
(Ord. 150, passed 2-22-2000; Ord. 3- -2007)